5 Tricks To Get Dog Hair Out Of Clothes

5 tricks to get dog hair off your clothes

Nobody can deny that one of the most frequent problems when having a dog is that it leaves hairs on its clothes and, often, these hairs are often difficult to remove. If you want to learn a way to solve this problem in a simple way, below we will present you 5 tricks to remove dog hair from clothes that will be of great help.

Duct tape to remove dog hair from clothes

dog brushes

Although it sounds like a lie, duct tape will be a great help in getting your little four-legged friend’s hair out of your clothes, so this is often one of the most used tricks by many people.

As you can imagine, the technique consists of sticking the tape over the hair that is on one of your objects, then pulling it slowly. You should pull slowly because some fabrics like cotton and silk can spoil very easily if you pull too hard.

The best thing is that the tape you use is quite wide, as this way you can collect a greater amount of hair with it.

Cold air

As in the previous case, for many people this trick can be a big surprise, since if we talk about cold and dogs, the first thing that will come to the minds of many is the rejection that these beautiful animals feel for the low temperatures.

However, here it is about observing how the cold air can be of enormous help in eliminating their hairs from our clothes, as the cold air will cause the hairs to come loose from the fabrics.

To put this trick into practice, you’ll need a powerful dryer that can release cool air. You should put it on your clothes for at least 15 minutes, this time will be more than enough for your dog’s fur to disappear from its object.

Noodle stick strips hair

This is one of the best tricks to eliminate pet hair from your clothing, this will be an object that will be specifically designed for this purpose, so it is essential that you always have it on hand if you have any furry pet in home.

Also, the pasta stick that can be used to remove the hair, can be used both in sheets, blankets, as in any part of your vehicle that your little friend has left his “mark”.

Wet latex gloves

Sometimes it happens that the hairs are extremely stuck together, which makes it quite complicated to be able to eliminate them with any instrument or artifact that we have at hand, including the ones mentioned above.

However, it is in these types of situations where latex gloves come into play. When you wet them, they are the best help you can get to remove your pet’s fur from some of your objects.

Yes, although it sounds crazy, these same gloves that are used by you when you wash the dishes, are usually ingenious and efficient for this purpose, due to the difference in electrical charges that they start to present when wet, which cause the hair to are more attached are adhered to it very easily.

As you can see when you put this trick into practice, the key to making it work to get the hair out of your clothes is water, which will also be effective on other objects, such as some cloths for example, which will also become efficient for this purpose. when they are wet.

Comb or brush your dog’s fur daily

brushing dog

Dogs are beautiful living beings that require the best possible care to stay healthy and happy, so combing your dog daily is a trick that will serve both to avoid hair on your clothes and to ensure good health and condition. of humor.

Is that these little ones can develop a strong bond with their owner if he offers them certain care, in addition you will be avoiding different diseases that an animal can suffer due to a bad state of its coat.

If you practice these tricks, you will no longer have to worry about your dog’s fur on your clothes and other objects.

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