How To Recognize The Signs Of Psychological Pregnancy And What To Do

How often do the symptoms of psychological pregnancy occur in dogs? Although this situation, at first, is not very serious, it is necessary to know how to proceed.
How to recognize the signs of psychological pregnancy and what to do

Female dogs that have not been neutered can develop a psychological pregnancy. In fact, this picture occurs far more often than we usually imagine. However, the symptoms of a psychological pregnancy should not be ignored as they can harm the dog’s health.

Next, let’s talk about psychological pregnancy in female dogs. The main objective is to facilitate the identification of the signs of a psychological pregnancy and convey what should be done when it is noticed.

Psychological pregnancy symptoms in bitches

The signs of a psychological pregnancy closely resemble the symptoms of pregnancy in female dogs. In other words, the dog that has a psychological pregnancy will behave and exhibit physical signs very similar to those of a real pregnancy.

The logical difference is that,  in psychological pregnancy, there are no fertilized eggs developing in the female’s uterus to give birth  to offspring. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the following symptoms to know how to act in a psychological pregnancy:

  • Changes in vaginal discharge
  • Absence of heat or menstruation
  • Increased belly size (distended belly)
  • Swollen and more developed breasts
  • Lick the genitals and breasts intensely
  • Secretion of milk from the breasts
  • moan, cry
  • hide
  • Scratching the floor or walls
  • Loss of energy (the bitch shows no interest in walking, playing or doing routine activities)
  • Steal stuffed animals or dolls, protect or hide with them

Como reconhecer os sinais de gravidez psicológica

What to do in the face of your dog’s psychological pregnancy?

Contrary to what many owners think,  psychological pregnancy in female dogs is not always harmless. In fact, some symptoms are dangerous and, if they continue to progress, can compromise the dog’s health.

For example,  breast swelling and milk production can lead to a breast infection. In more advanced cases, the female dog may develop mastitis derived from a psychological pregnancy that was not adequately treated.

Therefore, when identifying any symptoms of psychological pregnancy in your dog,  the first thing to do should be to get her to the vet quickly. At the veterinary center, the professional will be able to confirm that there really is a psychological pregnancy and recommend the most appropriate treatment to preserve the animal’s good health.

Treatment of pseudocyesis in bitches

In general, psychological pregnancy symptoms in female dogs begin to decrease from the third week onwards. 

During this time, your dog will likely be in a more depressed mood and will demand more attention and affection from you. It is essential that you dedicate a special part of your day to your pet and that you convey calm and security.

How To Recognize The Signs Of Psychological Pregnancy

Generally, it is not necessary to administer medications during treatment. However, it  is essential to pay special attention to the development of the breasts to avoid the accumulation of milk  and the emergence of an infectious process.

First, it  will be essential that the bitch stops licking the breast region so as not to aggravate the inflammation. For this, a great technique is to apply camphorated alcohol to the breasts, as the smell will displease her and, thus, prevent her from continuing to lick. Also, since it is an antiseptic, camphorated alcohol will also help prevent an infectious process.

On the other hand, it will also be important to  increase the bitch’s physical activity and mental stimulation to speed up her recovery. In addition to helping to stabilize hormone levels, exercise, walking, and brain games will be essential for improving mood and preventing overweight.

How to prevent psychological pregnancy in bitches?

Almost 50% of female dogs develop at least one psychological pregnancy during adulthood. Some females can have multiple psychological pregnancies, which usually exposes them to contexts of high stress and excessive hormonal changes. Remember that preventing this condition is essential to maintaining optimal health for our pets.

The most reliable and safest way to prevent psychological pregnancy in bitches is to resort to sterilization. In addition to preventing your pet from suffering the discomfort and possible complications of a psychological pregnancy, neutering is also essential to avoid unplanned litters and the overpopulation of homeless animals.

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