Alternative Medicine For Pets

There are many different therapies, as well as natural medications, that have proven to be helpful for pets. They alleviate physical pain and contribute to mental health.
Alternative Medicine for Pets

Alternative medicine is fashionable in all spheres. Also in the animal world. There are many skeptics about the subject, but does alternative medicine for pets really work? Let’s find out!

Over the years, and after several tests, it has been proven that alternative medicine also works in animals. There are many pet owners who choose it and the results have been excellent. Would you like to know what alternative therapies for pets are used and for what? Let’s tell you.

Various alternative medicine therapies for animals

Bach Flowers for Physical Ailments

We all know the benefits that Bach flower remedies bring us when it comes to stress and anxiety. However, in the pet world, pets have been shown to work to calm some physical ailments.

bach flowers

For example, they are suitable for all of these situations:

  • travel sickness
  • eye problems
  • Fear of noises like fireworks
  • Bad relationship with other animals
  • urinary problems

Obviously, the amount and time of ingestion will depend on each animal and each situation, so you will need to consult a specialist in alternative medicine for animals for guidance.


For years this technique has been implemented in several countries as a therapy. It consists of sticking small, thin needles in different points of the body, to cure an ailment or to relieve pain.

veterinary acupuncture

the tapping

As in people, emotional problems in animals can cause damage to physical health. These emotional problems can be due to abuse, fire, abandonment, a traffic accident, or similar circumstances.

This therapy is similar to acupuncture but does not require the use of needles. However, several points are controlled that will help to alleviate the symptoms of physical problems, in addition to helping to control the emotions that are triggered due to the trauma. This alternative medicine therapy for pets must be done by a professional.

the reiki

This alternative medicine method comes from two Tibetan words : Rei, which means “spirit”, and Ki , which means “energy”. Therefore, it can be said that this therapy consists of “spiritual energy”.

exercises for puppies

This technique is similar to another, from Japan, which consists of laying on of hands. It is about channeling the positive energy of the environment and of those who carry it out in the animal, so that it feels better, both emotionally and physically.


Animals have the ability to find natural products that are good for their health. Of course, this is easy for wild animals, but everything gets complicated when it comes to domestic animals.

So, in this case, there is aromatherapy, which consists of choosing the scents that can help with certain aspects of the animals’ health and then treating them with those scents. They are produced with  essential oils, macerated, or aromatic herbs, clay and other materials are used.


Alternative medicine for animals has been tested for a long time. Natural medicines, without any kind of chemicals or toxics, have been giving very good results in animals. Therefore, this treatment is chosen by many when treating their pets.

An exhaustive examination will be done on the animal, which will allow you to see which medications of this type are the most suitable. The list is extensive, although not all diseases can be treated with this medicine.

These are the types of alternative medicine most used on animals, and the ones that have brought the best results. Would you choose some of them to treat your pet?

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