The “lion Dog” Gets Famous On The Internet

The "lion dog" becomes famous on the Internet

There are many artists who failed to be recognized in their country and who had to emigrate to others to become famous  and succeed. This was the case for many Spaniards. For example, hardly anyone listens to Raphael in his own country, but in Latin America he is one of the biggest musical idols of the moment. Well, something similar happened in the case of the lion dog.

You still haven’t seen the lion dog on the Internet? He became famous, but outside his country: Spain. Would you like to know your story? We’ll tell you, you’ll love it!

The lion dog: your discovery


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Unfortunately, there are many sad stories that we often tell. And that’s why  we love this lion dog story, because in addition to having a happy ending, we’re sure it will put a beautiful smile on your face, or maybe even make you laugh.

On the streets of Malaga, Spain, he walked like hundreds of other dogs dotted around the city, a medium-sized cinnamon-colored dog trying to find some food in the garbage. Nobody paid him any attention, much less moved a finger to offer him food. However, a young German woman, a lover of photography, could not remain indifferent to his presence. It remains to be seen what attracted her to him, nor why he was different from other dogs.

The dog’s physique was quite common: tan, medium size, nothing special. But Julie Werner, this German photographer, felt a special connection she couldn’t avoid, and ended up taking him to Hamburg, Germany.

Tschikko, the lion dog, from tramp to star

They say that some are born lucky and others are unlucky, but throughout life, this is something that can always change. Anyone who has met Tschikko in Malaga, wandering around looking for a piece of food in the garbage, would have claimed that he was born with bad luck. But what would those who saw him now say?

The fact is that  Julie made him a star when she had the ingenious idea of ​​turning him into the protagonist of her report “The Lion in the City”. We don’t know if when the photographer saw Tschikko for the first time, she had already visualized the animal as a lion-dog, if she had a vision or something else. What we do know is that her idea was hugely successful, as both she and her lion dog became famous on social media and across the cyber world.

But why? As the headline of Julie’s story says, she needed a lion, but she only had one stray dog. But… maybe there was something she could do! Yes, that’s right, Julie thought of making a red wig that was similar to the true color of her lion dog, one that could fool people into believing it was a real lion. In fact, when we look at the photo, it looks more authentic than Jumanji’s lion .


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And that’s how Julie started her story. He started photographing his new friend in his wig all over town, creating a story with each image. 

Julie couldn’t imagine how successful her story would be, which soon went viral, reaching thousands of people. Some mistook Tschikko for a lion, and others, realizing it was a lion dog, couldn’t help but laugh.

Julie, in addition to loving her new friend, who she rescued from a sad life,  will enjoy the beauty and friendliness of her lion dog and is thinking of doing a report called “The lion dog and around the world”. It will be filled with images of Tschikko from around the world with her leonine wig doing, making people laugh.

This trip will likely include Spain and perhaps the lion dog deconstructs some myths, even becoming a prophet in his homeland.  Who knows?

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