All About Cat Meowing

Through this form of communication, which can include between 60 and 70 different sounds, felines, given their great intelligence and sensitivity, will try to get what they want from their owners.
All about the cats meowing

Pussies are very intelligent beings and know very well how to attract the attention of their peers, other animals and, above all, their humans. Today, we’ll tell you all about the cat meowing, one of the many communication tools they have.

Cats Meow: Learn How They Communicate

To know what your kittens want or what happens to your pets when they meow, humans can pay attention to body language and facial expressions, along with the sounds they make. This is how you can tell, for example, if people are angry, afraid, or comfortable.

“The cat’s voice” might sound like a pretty poor definition of a meow.  This is a form of expression that admits different variants according to their interlocutors or what the pussies want to express.

But beyond that, the meow is just one of the many sound manifestations of  Felis CatusThere are also hisses, purrs, grunts and even some expression similar to a whine or cry.

On the other hand, those who know their feline friends well know that each individual has a particular way of being. It can be said that there is no pussy like another. And this is also evident in the way they meow.

A language adaptable to circumstances

Contrary to popular belief,  meowing is not a form of communication that cats only use with people. They also use it with their kindred and with other members of the animal kingdom.

meowing cat

However,  some scholars of animal behavior claim that these adorable animals know how to manipulate their human beings through meowing. These smart-ass look for the appropriate “mew” so that, sooner or later, they get what they want from the people they share the house with.

The truth is, with the intelligence and sensitivity that characterize  cats that live with humans and other pets, they soon learn the best way to make themselves understood. Thus, they meow in a different tone, volume, intensity or duration, according to each specific case.

Reasons why cats meow

Kittens are estimated to  be able to emit between 60 and 70 different meows. With meows, they express emotions, moods, feelings, needs and desires. Among the many situations in which they make use of meows, we can highlight:

  • As a way of greeting, they can show joy when they see their humans.
  • To order food, open a door, etc. In this case, they start with soft meows that can become more persistent and even angry if they don’t get attention in a timely manner.
  • When he doesn’t want to be bothered. The meows become hoarse and, too, cats make noises, shrinking their bodies.
  • If they want to be pampered. Under these circumstances, they make short, soft sounds and rub their heads and cheeks against their owners. And, most likely, they also purr.

nervous cat

Meows among the like

In addition to their relationship with people, cat meowing is also evident in these situations :

  • In communication between mothers and children. Both cats and their kittens use this sound for different situations (if the little ones are lost, if they are hungry, etc.).
  • When females come into heat. The kittens meow at full volume and repeatedly so that the males come to meet them.
  • By threatening other individuals before or during a fight. Here the timbre and intensity of the meow is really intimidating.

    More details about the cat meowing

    While it is normal for some cats to be more talkative than others, in some cases they may even meow in excess or do it in a strange way. If this happens, you must find the reason and fix it. And, if necessary, take him to a  veterinarian.

    Among the reasons why puppies express themselves vocally, in addition to what is considered normal, we can highlight :

    • Boredom. When they don’t exercise enough or play little, then they start to walk around the house and meow loudly and repetitively.
    • Fear or stress. It can happen that some situations disturb the animal: changes, losses or aggressions from other pets, among others, and the meowing is the way they find to express what they feel.
    • Disease. While many cats do not make sounds under these circumstances, some of them howl in a plaintive manner.

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