The Continental Giant: The Biggest Rabbit In The World

The giant continental rabbit is a breed that can weigh up to 10 kg, and its breeding is intended for the production of meat and fur. They can also be used as pets, in assisted therapy and education.
The continental giant: the biggest rabbit in the world

The continental giant rabbit, also known as the ‘Giant of Flanders’, is not a species. In fact, it is a very large breed of domestic rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus) .

Because of its docility, this breed of rabbit has been adopted as a pet. However, given its large size, it is clear that not everyone can take responsibility for caring for this animal properly.

However, those who can adopt it and provide it with a healthy lifestyle, according to the animal’s needs, confirm that, in addition to being a gentleman, it is also a good companion.

Origin of the continental giant race

The continental giant is one of the oldest and largest breeds of rabbit. There is even evidence to suggest that the breed can date back to the mid-16th century.

The breed was imported to England in the mid-19th century and shares its ancestry with the Belgian hare. However, it did not receive attention until much later, around 1910, when it began to appear in small animal shows across the country.

Over time, the continental giant was gaining more and more fame around the world and, for this reason, in the 20th century, it began to be adopted as a pet more often.

the size of the continental giant

This is one of the largest domestic rabbit breeds. Most of these giants weigh about 6 kg, but 10 kg specimens are not uncommon. In addition, the continental giant’s body is long and very strong, with a broad, muscular hip.

In the photo below, we can see how these amazing animals can grow. The nickname ‘continental giant’ doesn’t seem so exaggerated anymore, does it?

O gigante continental
Source: Reddit

Another feature that characterizes this breed of rabbit is the arch of the back, which starts at the shoulder and extends to the base of the tail. This gives the animal the shape of a ‘mandolin’.

Males have a larger and wider head than females. Females, in turn, have a pronounced double chin. In addition, they also have long, erect ears.

Regarding the coat, which is thick and shiny, there is a wide variety of colors.  Black, white, sand, brown, lead gray and light gray.

the continental giant

a gentle and friendly giant

The gentle character and remarkable intelligence led this breed of rabbit to be adopted as a pet. In fact, many people say they act more like dogs than rabbits.

These animals are easy to train and can be encouraged to play, use a sandbox, and even answer when called, with relative ease.

Generally, they don’t like to be picked up, much less brusquely. In addition, for the giant to be relaxed in the company of humans, he must receive gentle care from an early age.

the continental giant

For these reasons, both for its size and its strength, the continental giant may not be the ideal pet for inexperienced guardians or young children. They also require a lot of food and produce a lot of excrement.

So anyone considering giving a home to a giant continental rabbit should think carefully about whether or not it can meet its needs.

As it is a large animal, it will need considerable space for it to move normally. That is, it cannot be kept in an apartment or in a small garden. Also, you have to take into account the fact that the amount of food will be considerably higher when compared to a common rabbit.


Therefore, whoever wants to be the owner of such a specimen must be very well informed on the subject  and be aware that this breed needs a greater amount of food to maintain good health.

These are certainly not the only needs a continental giant might have, but they are the most important points to consider before adopting one of them.

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