Akita Inu: 6 Curiosities Of This Race

Akita Inu is a dog of ancient origins that comes from Japan.
Akita Inu: 6 curiosities of this race

The Akita Inu is a very popular breed of dog. It has Japanese origin, but more and more dogs of this breed can be seen on other continents.

Why is Akita Inu so popular?

Without a doubt,  what stands out the most are the rounded features of the face and its captivating aspect, together with its dense, soft and bristly coat, in addition to its long, curled tail.

The Akita Inu is a calm, docile, loyal and noble dog, but independent. Also, he is a very smart dog.

Akita Inu History

In its origins, around 1603,  the Akita were used as hunting dogs for bears. They were later bred to larger breeds such as the mastiff and became fighting dogs. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that the Akita breed came to be considered a kind of historical monument in Japan.

However, with the onset of World War I, the number of dogs of this breed dropped dramatically and many of those that remained were bred to German Shepherds, the only dogs not hunted for fur at that time, as they were serving in the army.

After the war, enthusiasm for the pure breed of Akitas returned and, through crossbreeding with Matagi Akita individuals (the original, uncrossed breed), the number of Akitas increased considerably.

What are these dogs like?

It is a large dog, weighing between 30 to 45 kilos, with a strong constitution, broad chest and retracted abdomen. The legs and feet are broad and strong.

What are these dogs like?

The forehead is broad and unlined, the ears are small, triangular and thick, and the muzzle is long, wider at the base. His eyes stand out, very small, as if they’re half-closed and far apart. In turn, the tail is long, wide and curled  on the back, as is usually the tail of spitz-type dogs.

There are several colors in this breed: reddish, sesame, brindle and white. In addition, all have a series of white patches that are found on both sides of the muzzle, cheeks, under the jaw, on the neck, on the chest and abdomen, under the tail and on the inside of the paws.

silent and discreet

Akitas are very quiet dogs, and it is precisely the fact that they do not bark for no reason that makes them good caretakers at home.

the quintessential japanese dog

This breed has become a symbol of Japanese culture and is found in many Japanese homes, as well as other dogs similar to it, such as the Shiba Inu.

Akita Inu is not an easy dog

Despite its reserved and calm nature, it is a very energetic dog and requires a good deal of activity. Also, he doesn’t easily socialize with strangers.

smart and compatible

Akita is ranked 54th in the famous dog intelligence ranking. This makes him a very obedient dog if we keep to good training.

famous in cinema

We all know the famous adaptation of Hachiko, whose protagonist is an Akita breed dog. But  Hachiko was real and so was his story : he waited for his tutor at the train station, from where he used to get off, for years after his death.

Famoso no cinema
Source: www.filmaffinity.com

Bigger than Shiba Inu

Although originally the Akita Inu was a medium-sized dog (Akita Matagi), after centuries of crossings with other breeds it turned out to be a large dog, larger than its Japanese and equally well-known companion, the Shiba Inu, which has a fence. 33 centimeters high.

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