Are You Going To Adopt A Dog? Know The Laws

Are you going to adopt a dog?  Know the laws

Everyone loves dogs. And they really are adorable animals that make us smile and brighten the day. That’s why, when we don’t have one and come across someone on the street, we can’t help but think how good it would be to have one. Although not everything is as painted, since, when adopting a dog, we must comply with the law.

There are several things you should do to make your dog “nice”. If you don’t meet all the requirements, you could have problems, or worse, you could lose your pet. Let’s see what we must do to comply with the law.

Law on authorization to adopt domestic animals

Before adopting a dog, you should think very carefully, and not just the responsibility you will have to raise the animal. You should also be aware that you will have to shell out money so that your pet is up to date with the law. These are the first legal requirements:

  • Vaccines. From the first month of life, an animal must have the first vaccine. The veterinarian will give the following guidelines on the 3 months, 6 months, annual and some special vaccines.
  • Microchip. With the first vaccine, approximately, would happen the application of the microchip. It is a locator that will be very useful if the animal gets lost. It will let the authorities know of its existence. Not only is it legal and mandatory in some countries, it will also protect both you and your friend.
  • Primer. This will be like an identification for your pet. In it, the veterinarian will fill in the vaccines that were applied, as well as the dog’s data, such as weight, height, health and name. Your name as the only owner of the pet will also appear.
  • Passport. If you want to travel with your new friend, you will need to make him a passport that the airport authorities will require.

Other legal issues to consider when adopting a dog

In addition to all this, there are some laws, including which prison sentences are applied if they are not served:

Author: Maja Dumat

  • Muzzle. All those dogs considered aggressive breeds, such as pitbull or rotweiller, must be muzzled whenever they go out in some countries. If you do not comply with this rule, if your dog harms a person or animal, you would be in serious trouble.
  • Animal care.  Pet care laws protect and support pets with the intention of preventing them from being abandoned or mistreated. Leaving an animal in the sun, in a car, without sufficient hygiene or hungry, for example, is considered abuse and can also cause problems with the law.
  • Collect your feces. Whenever you take him for a walk, you will have to take a bag and a bottle of water to collect your pet’s needs. The water will help to avoid the strong odors of pee. If you leave your pet’s dirt uncollected and a policeman or a neighbor reports him, he would be in trouble.

Adopting a dog can be an enjoyable experience if you like animals. Yet it is also a liability, both civil and economic.  Make sure you can take care of a pet and give it all the care it needs before you decide to adopt.

Remember that they are living beings who depend on us, and if you adopt them, it won’t just be to play and have something soft to caress. It will be for life, at least for his whole life. So be responsible, think before you act and then decide yes or no. If the decision was to adopt, we are sure that you will never regret it.

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