Display Of Dogs In Shop Windows Is Prohibited

The exhibition of dogs in shop windows is prohibited

Certainly, when you were little and passed in front of the Pet Shops, you loved stopping to see the puppies that were displayed there. They were generally bred and looked almost perfect, like they’d been taken from a professional photo album. However, you grew up and began to realize how sad was the life of these dogs displayed in shop windows.

The animals are locked inside glass cases, doing their needs right there. Because, let’s face it, it’s obvious that store employees clean up this mess, but they don’t have the time at the time to do that, so often times the animal can spend time in their faeces and urine.

In addition, most of the time, they share the space with one or two more dogs of their kind, with that, the living conditions and the amount of available oxygen are limited. Not to mention the terrible journey they must take from the breeding site where they were born until they reach the window. Undoubtedly, a cruel business that, in addition to encouraging the dignified care of a dog, promotes mistreatment.

Well, today we have good news for all those who love animals: the exhibition of dogs in shop windows was prohibited. Want to know more about it? So don’t miss this article and read on.

Animals may not be displayed in shop windows

adopt puppies

After many years of democracy in Spain and many changes in the laws for the purchase of pets, we learned of excellent news: animals can no longer be displayed in shop windows for sale.

Although the new law only applies to dogs and cats, we are certain that it will soon apply to other animals, such as fish, spiders, snakes, birds and the like.

For now, we are satisfied with this good news, which, in addition, brings many benefits for the animals together. For example, that store or business that does not comply with the law will have a fine that can reach 200,000 euros, through which we are sure that Pet Shop owners will no longer want to expose their pets in shop windows.

On the other hand, all those who abandon or mistreat an animal will be heavily punished, with fines ranging from 100 to 200 thousand euros.

Despite being a good law, which will be applied soon, what is certain is that those who love pets have the ultimate goal of getting the ban on the sale of animals, as this entails cruel treatment for them as well. Why?

The beautiful puppies that we see in stores and that we have a hard time finding, the ones that look like something out of a magazine, carry a hard past with them. They are generated and born in breeding sites, where there are females who are there only to give birth and give birth, and when they can no longer bear to give birth to offspring, they are sacrificed.

On the other hand, puppies that are not “perfect” are also sacrificed, as only those worthy of a photographic report are selected.

The “selected” are placed in boxes along with several dogs of their species or not, filling up the lift of the truck that will transport them thousands of kilometers without water or food in unsanitary conditions. In fact, only half of them survive and reach their destination to be put back in glass cases.

adopt a pet

As long as they continue to buy animals, displayed in shop windows or not, this cruel treatment will continue to happen, so our recommendation is that “don’t buy, adopt an animal.” As we’ve already told you in an article, these pets that are sold in stores have many psychological, emotional and even physical problems.

So, to have a healthy and loving dog, and, above all, to contribute to the fight against animal cruelty, adopt!

If we all do this, we may be able to eliminate this cruel treatment, as well as curb abandonment, or at least we will be able to adopt all the puppies that are homeless.

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