Couple Is Accused Of Abandoning Their Dog And Now Lives A Nightmare

It is true that the abandonment of animals remains an evil that seems to have no end. However, a case that occurred earlier this year in Argentina alerts us to the power of social media and how dangerous it is to spread misleading news, including those involving abandonment and mistreatment of animals. 

Music teacher Ximena Rosales and her family are living a veritable via crucis because of an incident that took place in April, when a driver accused them of trying to abandon their little dog Linda on the street. In this article, we’ll tell you everything.

A family wants to abandon their dog. Will it be?

The event happened in Argentina, in the city of La Plata. What would you do if you saw a dog running after a car, desperate because – apparently – its owners wanted to leave it on the street? Would you come face to face with these people and recriminate them?

Some people do, as did the driver shown in the video below. Angered, he “locked” Ximena’s family vehicle and began shouting and gesturing for them to get out of the car to pick up the animal.

A few people started to approach, and then Ximena, who was in the passenger seat, got out very scared to talk to the man.

What people didn’t realize was that the animal had a good appearance, was well cared for, with its coat perfectly groomed and even with a collar and tag, which was probably identification.

How could anyone want to abandon a dog with an identification tag containing the owner’s name and phone number?

Later, the owner of the animal explained that she had gone to the bakery and that Linda had escaped, as she was always very playful and restless. The family home is a few blocks from where the incident took place.

A “virtual lynching”

But the worst was yet to come. The man followed the family home to “make sure the dog wouldn’t be abandoned” once more.

After the terrible misunderstanding, the family had to deal with cursing at the door of their house, and began to receive death threats and all kinds of cruel messages, including threatening other family members.

That’s because all the talk in traffic was filmed and posted on the internet. In a few hours and thousands of views later, a veritable wave of indignation was formed based on something false, as the family never intended to abandon their animal.

“Two hours after they aired the video, someone was taking pictures in front of our door; then, at dawn, they passed by shouting insults and threats; a nightmare,” reports Ximena.

According to a Uruguayan newspaper, after receiving photos with scenes of violence accompanied by intimidating messages, and also seeing that the threats extended to other family members, she decided to file a complaint for libel and injury, which is now being investigated by the authorities locations.

This was the video that caused the reaction online:

Love for animals does not mean disrespect for humans

Yes, the abandonment of animals is something cowardly and causes indignation and revolt. But we cannot make rash judgments “for the love of animals” and put other people in such a dangerous situation.

Why didn’t this driver, who was so angry, have the civility to ask what was going on? Why didn’t you pay attention to the fact that the dog was well cared for and had a collar? Why didn’t you try to find out if, on the tag attached to the animal’s collar, the personal data (such as name and telephone number) of its owners were not included?

Anyone who wants to abandon a dog, first of all removes the collar, the identification tag and anything else that might identify him.

In addition, people who abandon animals often prefer to do so in deserted, remote and isolated places, such as vacant lots, parking lots, dead ends. They don’t do this in a busy region, as shown in the video, precisely to avoid being “caught” and because they know they are committing a crime.

Disrespect for humans does not help animals

After the online video was released, they started attacking Ximena’s Facebook profile and divulging her personal and professional data.

The teacher, who owns a vegan food company, had to close all her social media accounts, compromising her family’s income.

She said, in an interview with a TV station, that people started to invent a thousand and one things after the release of the video in which she supposedly was abandoning her dog. They said that the little dog was pregnant, that she was being abused, that she was a “bad” mother, and several other unfounded accusations, which were being spread only to further fuel the anger that spreads so easily on social media, and with which care is needed.

At the time the video was filmed, Ximena and her husband were with their 2-year-old daughter in the backseat, but even this fact was completely ignored by the people who witnessed the scene, including the driver who caused all the commotion, and that he now needs to be held responsible for the consequences of his thoughtless and unjust actions —to humans and animals.

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Sources: MontevideoPortal, Clarin, El Dia

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