Remember: A Dog Is Not A Baby

Remember: A dog is not a baby

We often confuse dogs with children and we tend to treat dogs as if they were babies. However, we should not forget that we do have to love and care for them, but that they are animals and should be treated as such. So remember that a dog is not a baby.

The result that we will obtain by treating them as if they were babies is that, in effect, they will be the spoiled children of the house. When this happens, we, the owners, are responsible.

Among the signs that someone is misusing a dog is the habit that some owners have of singing and rocking dogs in their arms so that they sleep, offering pillows, among many others. All this generates in the dog the need for the company of its owners so that they sleep, in addition to other bad habits.

Many young couples decide not to have children and adopt a dog instead. Reasons? A dog is less complicated than a child. You won’t have to generate it and also the fact that the love of dogs is unconditional.

A dog is not a baby: keeping an eye on the filial paternal relationship

affection in dog

Another consequence of this intense filial paternal relationship between owners and dogs is separation anxiety. Dogs have a much shorter half-life than humans, in addition to being more vulnerable to different illnesses. Treating a dog like a baby can give him a psychological illness that will cause your pet to become very dependent on you.

Dogs are very intelligent, but if they are very pampered they will not be able to bear the absence of the owner and can develop problems such as gastritis, colitis, insomnia, lack of sociability, etc.

According to different studies carried out, a relationship in which the pet is humanized in excess is not balanced and generates many behavioral changes in the animal, such as excessive aggression, fear or anxiety, in addition to stress, all derived from an overprotection.

We associate human characteristics with dogs and cats, when this does not fit reality. If an animal comes to the table where we are eating and asks us for food, we tend to give in. However, it is possible that our pet is not even hungry at these times, but he has been learning certain forms of behavior to get what he wants.

A Dog Is Not A Baby: The Bambi Effect

The Bambi effect is called the tenderness that dogs and cats inspire in us because of their harmless, kind and affectionate appearance. With this feeling, it seems inevitable to treat the puppies as if they were children, but it is a mistake that we must control.

It is important that we take into account the rules of behavior, the daily routine, obedience and discipline, following our orders and giving the treatment corresponding to the species of the animal, taking care that the relationship is not as if it were with a person , among other things, because it can confuse our pet.

A Dog Is Not a Baby: About Feeding and Dressing

Many issues arising from the humanization of a dog are related to overfeeding the animal. Overweight and obesity are very harmful to our pets. Some experts worldwide said that giving a dog food from the table is a way to humanize the animal, which will end up causing heart and metabolic diseases of various kinds.

As for clothes, protecting our dog from the weather is more than correct, whether from the cold or rain, but making him walk in fashion, with proper human accessories, is a way to humanize animals.

Different ways to treat our pet like a baby

woman hugging dog

In recent times, we are being spectators in many ways to humanize dogs. Dog birthdays are celebrated with banquets, fashionable clothes are bought, the animal is introduced to friends, family, etc., as if it were a new “baby”. The dog sleeps in bed with the owner and even speaks to him using diminutives.

Humanizing seems to satisfy the owner’s needs, but not our pets’ needs. A dog or a cat does not need these kinds of attitudes for their well-being. We must not forget that they are animals, very affectionate, inspire us with tenderness and offer us all the affection in the world, but they have their own characteristics, according to the race and species, and it is not good to attribute to them human or humane qualities. them.

Good company, discipline and mutual affection will always be the best guidelines for the relationship we will maintain with our pets.

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