How To Care For A Stye In Dogs

How to Care for a Sty in Dogs

The eyes of pets are exposed to various contaminations from the environment. It is very common to diagnose swellings. Therefore, it is important to know how to care for a sty in dogs.

Some eye irritations do not cause health complications. But they cause a lot of pain and itching. In addition to a not very nice appearance.

This is the case with the sty. Uncomfortable for humans, and even worse for dogs. Knowing the simple care of a sty can help your pet a lot.

What can cause stye in dogs?

Characterized by eye irritation and redness, accompanied by eyelid swelling. The lump that usually forms at the base of the eyelid is known as a sty.

Little dog with head supported on one hand

The sty in dogs is a consequence of an infection caused mainly by bacteria of the Staphylococcus genus  . They are usually mild and do not cause health complications.

The eyes are constantly exposed to the external environment, making it very easy to come into contact with different microorganisms. Dirty environments and polluted cities favor the  proliferation of bacteria.

What are the symptoms of a sty in dogs?

The most obvious symptom is the pink bulge that forms at the base of the eyelids. Swelling in the eye area and redness in the white area of ​​the eye are also very visible.

The sty is often accompanied by pain and discomfort.  Dogs are used to being more restless and often try to scratch their eyes.

This is more dangerous than the sty itself. Because,  by scratching, the dog can cause wounds and spread the infection to the tissues. In more extreme cases, ulcers can appear in the eyes and bacteria may proliferate to other organs.

Therefore , when detecting one of the primary symptoms, it is essential to take due care with the sty,  and observe the behavior of your pet.

How to treat the sty in your pet?

The best way to treat the sty is to attack the cause that originated it. In other words: eliminating bacteria. For this, antibiotics are used. Ointments are usually preferred, as they are easier to apply to the affected area.

As this is a mild infection,  the veterinarian may choose not to use  antibiotics.  It is important to reduce swelling and redness, while the body is responsible for eliminating the bacteria.

In the case of immunocompromised animals, it is likely that the body cannot fight the infection. The veterinarian will prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Advice for treating the sty

Keep your eyes clean

Cleaning is essential to prevent and combat the proliferation of bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the eye area very clean. It is recommended to clean the affected region with gauze soaked in saline solution or boricaded water 3 to 4 times a day.

Drops of hydrogen peroxide can be applied to the eye.  Hydrogen peroxide kills a lot of anaerobic bacteria and sterilizes the area. But it is important to be careful with concentration. 2-3 drops daily, never more.

Sanitize the environment

Eye cleaning should be extended to the entire environment where the animal lives. Pay particular attention especially to water and food containers. But it is not advisable to use corrosive chemicals or with a strong smell.

Chamomile Infusion

Chamomile helps to relieve discomfort, pain and calm the dog. It is recommended to apply compresses or gauze for 10 to 15 minutes. It is not recommended to repeat more than 3 times a day.

Care with a sty: Ice packs

Ice packs help to deflate the eye and soothe irritation. It is recommended to compress between 5 and 10 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Taking a compress before bedtime can improve your pet’s sleep quality. The sty usually bothers the closing of the eyes a lot.

Avoid contact with the sty

It is not recommended to manipulate the sty. The hands and feet can carry even more microorganisms to the affected area. As it is difficult to control the movements of an animal, it is recommended to put on the protective collar (Elizabethan).

It is even less prudent to pop or break the bulge. In addition to being painful, this can lead to the proliferation of bacteria in the eyeball or bloodstream.

cat being examined by the veterinarian

Strengthen the immune system

The immune system  is able to naturally fight most infections. But it is necessary to strengthen it daily. The most suitable and simple way is to provide a balanced diet and hydration.

Periodic visits to the veterinarian are essential, in addition to vaccination and antiparasitic treatment. These are the steps to better care for a sty in dogs.

Main image source: Andrés Landeau

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