How To Choose A New Friend For Your Family

How to choose a new friend for your family

If you want a new member for your family, in this post we share some advice for you to choose the most suitable pet , since before taking a decision is so important, you must consider some points to make your little friend feel comfortable in your home.

Points that should be considered

cat scratching


  • The space where you live and where you will live with your future pet is a   very important point to evaluate when choosing what kind of animal you want.  wish as new  member of your family. Think that your new friend should feel comfortable and that  the some dog breeds  need to live in large places, like homes with access to outdoor areas.
  • It’s not the same thing to live in an ap treatment of 60 square meters and in a house with a garden, even more so if you have a pet. If you’re thinking about pet dogs like greyhounds or German shepherds and live in  a small space, think very good. maybe it’s not a good idea, p O i s you animals, of course, no will stay well.
  • On the other hand, your house must fit or at least to have certain security measures so that your little friend doesn’t have accidents or escape.  All doors and windows must be closed to avoid any kind of risk.


  • Another consideration that cannot be overlooked is the time you can devote to the new family member. If you are one of those people who don’t spend all day at home or who travel a lot, perhaps adopting a dog or cat, who are generally more dependent, is a mistake.
  • It is best to choose fish, canaries or turtles. They are species that don’t require as much attention and care, and that they don’t need anyone to walk them at least twice a day, like dogs do.
  • So think very well which one amount of time you have and decide conscientiously. ance. And do not forget: if you decide to have one pet you  must and be an owner  responsible.


  • Without a doubt, the liking for the pet is extreme. subjective entity, but maybe we can  give some tips so that your choice is the best possible. For example, if you are a person who enjoys outdoor activities Such as walking or running , and have time to do it, maybe adopting a dog is a good choice.
  • if, by  against River, you don’t like to go out too much. and your house and prefer to sit on your polt favorite ron, or otherwise, works in home, a cat might be the companion you were looking for. the felines characterized by sleeping go several hours during the day , are very companions and enjoy the attention of their owners.
  • Another pet choice might be fish or turtles, especially if you often suffer from stress. . after a day very tense to relax, nothing better than getting home and  observe how these little ones play.

New member?

Finally, another point you should consider. is how many and what kind of animals and people will live with the new member . Having three dogs and adopting a cat is not the same as having a cat and adopting a turtle.

In the first case, perhaps, coexistence, at first, is not very good. However, in the second example, the relationship between the two species will certainly be much more balanced and better.

What if it’s a dog?


If you are thinking of adopting be a dog and still hasn’t decided , we share some information that you should consider:

  • if you choose by a large breed dog, think that this big guy should share the space with you. If you live in a very small apartment, choose breeds that are small, quiet and whose c. behavior is not too much agre s sivo. You can try adopting a Poddle or Poodle. Although they have “personality”, if  adapt very well to small spaces.
  • If you live in a house with a garden, the options are much broader, once   dogs love to socialize in large, open spaces .
  • Finally, don’t forget that the stray dogs are always a good  option. Do not buy. adopt and give a new home to an animal.

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