Bad Breath In Dogs: How To Fix It?

There are bacteria in the stomach or mouth that cause halitosis. They can be eliminated with natural foods and periodic brushing.
Bad breath in dogs: how to solve it?

One of the most unpleasant things you can experience in your pet is halitosis. In animals, especially, it is even stronger than in humans. So if you want to know how to get rid of bad breath in dogs, we have some practical advice.

Why do dogs have bad breath?

Certainly, dogs’ body odor is very different from ours.  While it may sound unpleasant, it’s just different. However, bad breath in dogs quickly jumps to the eyes, or better said, “jumps” to the nose.

This smell is not natural to your body, but caused by bacteria  that lodge in your mouth or stomach. Therefore, when the animal breathes, gasps or barks, this foul odor spreads into the air. However, this smell is not natural to your pet, but to the bacteria that cause it.

Although this is the main cause, sometimes bad breath in dogs is generated by simpler reasons. For example, medication or a certain type of food. So  there are several things you can do at home to get rid of this smell.

How to Fight Bad Breath in Dogs

through food

A bad diet can be one of the main causes of bad breath in dogs. A poor quality feed, or excess feed, can produce halitosis. The BARF diet is highly recommended to combat this ailment.

It was proven that, although the food is highly recommended for dogs, it is still a food with chemical substances and additives. So, in the end, it can cause bad breath in your pet.  A diet with natural foods, even for a short time, is ideal to eliminate halitosis once and for all.
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Through oral hygiene

In addition, poor dental and oral hygiene also causes bad breath in dogs. Of course,  a dog cannot brush his teeth alone. Therefore, it is our responsibility, as their owners, to do so. The truth is, as much as we love and care about our pets, dental hygiene is often overlooked.

In addition to the bacteria that dogs are exposed to, there is the additional problem of tartar buildup  that the feed causes. So if you don’t have a good oral hygiene habit, your dog’s bad breath will show up sooner than you think.

So, establish good hygiene habits. Talk to your veterinarian for the necessary guidelines. Choose a quality toothbrush and toothpaste and fight bad breath in dogs simply.

Home Remedies for Bad Breath in Dogs

It seems that home remedies tend to work with our pets too. The ones that we will quote below are proven. For that reason, we’re sure they’ll work for you too.

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  • Feed the animal vegetables. Not all vegetables are good for the dog. However,  parsley and carrots  act naturally against bad breath in dogs.
  • Apple vinegar. Many people know that vinegar has a neutralizing effect against odors. For this reason, it is ideal to offer it mixed with drinking water. However,  some dogs are not very fond of the mixture and it is possible that they will reject it. That said, if you see your pet’s case, don’t force him to drink. There are also other things you can do.
  • Always leave clean water within reach of your dog. Sometimes  we can stop changing the water because we see it’s not over yet. In that case, it will only accumulate dust and other substances that can make bad breath appear.
  • Goodies. There are many on the market that are useful for dental hygiene and fight bad breath. Ask your veterinarian or even the pet store which ones might be most effective for your pet.

If your dog suffers from bad breath, you may have noticed that it’s not that difficult to fight. Just put these tips into practice and you’ll see that the problem will resolve itself faster than you think.

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