Is It Possible To Avoid Puppy Bites?

Is it possible to avoid puppies' bites?

You’ve probably noticed that puppies spend a lot of time playing around chewing on objects. All these activities are typical of the little ones, as  are testing their teeth. 

However, when puppies play with us, often use their mouths to bite their hands, extremities and clothing of people .

This kind of behavior can seem funny when your pet is up to approximately seven weeks old, but it can be disturbing and worrisome when it’s three or four months old.

Regarding bites, it is important that you help your dog to stop this behavior and for that, you must teach him how to stop it. 

The first thing that should teach you is that people have very sensitive skin l, therefore, you should be very careful when using your mouth. In that sense, you have to be gentle.

How to avoid puppies bites?

puppy biting

The inhibition of the bite is the skill that the dogs have to control the force and avoid introducing an object into the mouth.

A puppy or dog that has not learned to inhibit bite from people does not recognize the sensitivity of human skin. Therefore, bites very hard, even during games. 

Some trainers assess that a dog that has learned  to use the mouth gently   when interacting with people, you will be less likely to bite hard and hurt the skin.

Puppies often learn inhibition during play with other puppy dogs. . If you look at a group of puppies play nding, you will see many persecutions, jumps, a real wrestling scene. Puppies bite each other all over.

From time to time, a puppy bites its playmate very hard, who will stop playing, in addition to letting out a pained bark.   The culprit will surely be surprised by the bark.  and it will also stop playing for a moment.

But immediately, the two playmates will be go back to the game again. Through from this type of interaction, animals learn to control the intensity of their bites to avoid damage and continue the fun without no interruptions. This lesson can also  be learned not only from partners but also from people.

What You Need to Know About Puppies Bites

raising a dog

When to play with your puppy and happen a bite some more  strong , immediately launch a high-pitched scream, as if wounded and let your dog see it.

This goes  scare your little friend and he will learn not to do damage. Start the game and, if he has the same behavior, yell again to alert him. repeat  Those steps more than three times in a 15 minute period.

Another option to teach the dog that your skin not it is a toy is utilizing precisely this kind of article. Like? When the animal tries to gnaw at your feet, give it an object for it to bite.

Foment  non-contact play forms can also be an option. Choose between playing a ball or toy and other games that are not rough.  If your puppy bites your feet and ankles, try giving him a rodent toy. 

Definitely provide  lots of interesting things and new to play with them and thus prevent it from tearing  your clothes or do damage.

You should also make sure your little friend releases all the energy he has accumulated. . In this sense, it is most appropriate for him to be able to play with others of his kind in the park or any outdoor space.

play and socialize with friends it is important for the dog’s development, in addition he will expend a lot of energy and will feel less motivated to reach for his feet and bite.  Therefore, consider registering  your pet in a good training along with other copies.

He will be supervised, will enjoy and will meet new skills . If you decide  for this option, don’t forget to go under a professional trainer.

Finally, when playing with your dog, avoid moving your fingers in his face. Do things to cheer the bite. But not the  get discouraged . Remember that the jokes  establish a strong bond between dog and owner.

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