A Video About Abandonment That Will Make You Meditate

A video about abandonment that will make you meditate

 “It’s necessary to have friends even in hell” is a well-known phrase that intends to emphasize the importance of treating everyone well, as we never know what life will provide and who we may need. A new video about abandonment, from the year 2016, lets us see this idea very clearly. We’ll talk more about it, as this is a work that won’t go unnoticed and that, too, will make all those who watch it start to meditate and think about it.

Abandonment, an evil difficult to eradicate

Unfortunately, abandonment is a plague that, in addition to not decreasing, continues to grow. They’ve tried different methods to eradicate it, but none of them have worked on a large scale.

There are many reasons that “abandors” use to justify themselves, such as:

stray cats

  • Having no place to leave it when on vacation
  • not having money to keep it
  • Not having time to take care of the animal
  • Have children
  • Presenting allergies all of a sudden
  • The dog got sick and they can’t take care of him
  • The dog has become old and requires special care

None of these excuses make sense when it comes to your pet, an animal that has given you unconditional love like you will never find. But  there are many people willing to leave, as is the case with this couple we see in the video. What man did not know is that life would treat him in such a way that everything would turn 180 degrees.

The video about abandonment going around the world

At the beginning of this video about abandonment, we see a moving image of a dog with its hospitalized owner. Your wife makes a face when she looks at the dog that doesn’t quite fit the situation, but as the video unfolds you’ll know why.

It is possible to see the puppy near its owner who, it seems, had a car accident and that the dog played an important role in saving his life. What you will see later will leave you speechless.

The car accident the man was in was because he was looking back while his dog ran disconsolately behind the car, but why was the dog running behind the car? Simple, just look at the images… its owner had abandoned it in the woods!

How could he imagine that the first face he would see when he woke up in the hospital would be that little dog he intended to abandon? He had saved her life! It was as if the animal told him: “Here I am, I will continue to love you, although you leave me…”.

Would you dare try to leave him again after his recovery? We hope not…

The unconditional love of dogs

This video about abandonment is one more example of the little rancor and the absence of bad feelings and bad intentions that our dogs have. No matter how you treat him, he will continue to love you no matter what. Do you remember the look on this dog’s face when he realized his owner had abandoned him?

However, he didn’t think twice about running after the car, nor did he abandon his owner when he saw him in danger. You quickly sought help, what would have happened if your dog, the one you wanted to leave, hadn’t been there? Certainly the worst.

What does this video teach you? No doubt dogs are better than many people. Sad but true. It doesn’t matter if our dog is old or sick, doesn’t he deserve to be taken care of in return for the companionship and love he has given us all his life?

How can we collaborate to eradicate abandonment? First: DON’T LEAVE. Adopting rather than buying is an excellent option. Look beyond an animal’s physique and love it for what it is, not what it is. And, of course, if you see a case of abandonment, report it without thinking. We may never be able to eliminate abandonment, but if we all help with our little grain of sand, we can greatly improve the situation for animals.

Here we leave the video for you, because a picture is worth a thousand words…

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