10 Things Your Dog Does For You

10 things your dog does for you

You can tell your pet loves you and is faithful, but you can’t imagine how many other things your dog does for you. Would you like to know what these other things are? In this article we will tell you that!

You can’t imagine what your dog does for you

Animals are a treasure, they are part of our family and not only protect us, but also teach us to love without expecting anything in return. It’s obvious that your furry is unconditional, and would do the following for you:

1. Helps you exercise


No, he doesn’t want to go out to the park and run a little further than his backyard space, nor does he go on the sidewalks to take care of his needs… he does it all so you can exercise! Don’t forget that dogs always put their owners in front of themselves.

2. Look you in the eye

For dogs, a sustained look is like giving a hug. While they are doing this, they release a hormone called oxytocin, which is related to well-being. So when playing or resting, be sure to look him in the eye. It will be an excellent remedy for both!

3. Take the blame

If there are children at home, they will certainly behave in a similar way, being companions in adventures and mischief. When something happens at home and we ask our little ones who was responsible, they are likely to respond with the dog’s name. Without a doubt, human children and canine children make a great team.

4. Help in cleaning

Another thing your dog does for you is when some food falls on the ground, they are the first to suck it up. They will do whatever it takes to ensure that certain parts of your house are always clean (from food, of course): the table, the sofa, the stove… it’s only a matter of seconds until the cleaning is complete.

5. Serves as a nanny

Again the relationship between children and dogs. Because they are so protective and affectionate, they are the ideal companion for babies. It’s been proven that those who grow up with a pet are happier. They will be well guarded and if something happens, they will notify the parents right away.

6. It can warm you up in winter

It’s cold and you’re about to get into your bed… your dog is desperate to go upstairs too! Why? It’s not just to be more comfortable, but to offer you its warmth and protect you at night. Again we do not understand the “hidden” reasons after a canine attitude.

7. Bring the letters and the newspaper

Bringing the cards is another thing your dog does for you. To do this, you will have to teach him a little, and better if you are a child. But the good news is that he will be in charge of bringing you what you want (from mail to your slippers) just for a little more pampering. Be careful, you better not teach him to open the fridge!

8. Release our inner child

When he realizes that we are bored, he wants to go out and play, he brings a ball or a collar to go for a walk. Who plays with him entirely? Your dog wants to help you remember past times from your childhood, so he rolls on the grass or jumps into the water.

9. Comfort us

kiss dog

If we’re having a horrible day, we feel tired, afflicted or stressed… furry ones are almost the only ones who can, with a gesture as simple as a touch of the muzzle, demonstrate that they are there. It’s okay that they don’t talk, they are there to support you, and that’s enough.

10. Get the best out of you

Possibly, at the office or with your family, you are a “grosser” who always has something to point out or maybe you are not the most expressive person in the world with your friends and close people…, but with your dog everything is different. You can laugh or laugh, and hug him tightly for several minutes. Without a doubt, our pet knows how to bring out our best qualities.

What else is missing for you to thank your furry for everything he does for you?

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