Differences Between Crab And Razor Clam

In addition to the colors and size, there are more differences between crabs and razor clams that allow us to identify each one.
Differences between Crab and Crab

Although they are similar at first glance, there are several differences between crabs and razor clams in terms of their appearance, behavior and habits. Below, we provide more information about the similar and distinct aspects of these animals.

Characteristics and general data on crabs

The term “crab” is used to denote different species that compose families belonging to the order of decapods.

In this order we find not only crabs, but also other large crustaceans, such as lobster and shrimp.

Currently, more than 4,000 species of crabs spread across all continents are recognized, with the obvious exception of Antarctica.

There is great diversity among all these species, both in terms of appearance and habitat and life cycle.

In general terms, we can divide crabs into two large groups according to their habitat: river crabs ( Astacoidea ) and sea crabs ( Brachyura ).

The vast majority of crabs live in or near water, although some species do not enter the water until the breeding season.

For many specialists, the common feature among all these species is their benthic character. Benthic animals are those that live and roam at the bottom of aquatic ecosystems, whether fresh or salt water, at different depths.

common crab

Furthermore, these crustaceans are not usually good swimmers, and use their pairs of legs to move over the bottom of rivers and seas in which they inhabit.

For this reason, they have powerful paws added to hooks, which serve to trap prey and defend themselves.

Data and characteristics of the razors

The razor clams ( Necora puber ) are decapod crustaceans that belong to the Brachyura infraorder . In other words, it is one of the currently recognized species of marine crabs.

More specifically, we are talking about a species of medium-sized crab that inhabits shallow seas. In general, they live close to the back and lodge among the rocks to protect themselves and trap their prey.

It is characterized by its blue hexagonal shell, with velvety villi in brown. They also have red, prominent eyes, as well as several bumps of the same color.

The nutrition of this species is based on the consumption of dead fish, algae and one or another organic matter available in its surroundings.

Their main natural predators are octopuses, but they are also intensely captured by men.

Its meat is highly coveted in gastronomy for its delicate flavor and texture that are very pleasing to the palate.

The recipes with razor clams are part of the traditional cuisine of the Cantabrian Sea coast, including Galicia, the Basque Country, Cantabria and Asturias.

razor at the bottom of the sea

Similarities and differences between crabs and razor clams

By knowing a little more about each of these animals, we can see that there are both similarities and differences between crabs and razor clams.

On the one hand, the similarities are not surprising considering that razor clams are actually one of the many species of crabs that inhabit our planet.

Crabs and razor clams do not look alike physically by accident, as they are morphologically and genetically related.

Not all crab species have so many apparent similarities to razor clams, as there is great morphological diversity among these crustaceans. However, they are all part of the same order within the vast animal kingdom.

If we compare the razor clams with the traditional crabs that we see served on restaurant tables, we see some obvious differences.

The razor clams are almost always smaller than the crabs, measuring between seven and nine centimeters. Common crabs can easily reach 12 centimeters in body length.

We also identify key signs to differentiate them in the tonality of their bodies. While razor clams have a broad, bluish, hexagonal carapace, crabs are usually reddish and their shape is more rounded.

If we have the opportunity to touch the shell of these crustaceans, we will notice another clear difference. The surface of the carapace of razor clams is much smoother and more uniform, with velvety regions. Crabs have a more wrinkled and irregular carapace.

Finally, it is also worth mentioning that the razors have black bands on their paws. This characteristic is observed in very few species of crabs, so it is important data to identify this species.

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