How To Teach Your Dog To Wear A Collar?

How to teach your dog to wear a collar?

The collar and the lead must be well placed on our pet to avoid inconvenience and discomfort when taking him for a walk. Once he learns to use them, the leash and collar will be safety tools. They will never be instruments of punishment and you should not use them to “correct” bad behavior.

get him used to the collar

The first step is to make the animal adapt to the use of the collar. When introducing this new element into our puppy’s life, it is very important to be patient, calm and trust that we will be able to overcome any unforeseen or stressful moment that may arise.

The first thing to do is let your furry see and smell the collar you are going to use. Next, we will attach the collar and distract the animal by playing with it, feeding it, etc. We will carry out this process for approximately five to ten minutes a day, removing the collar afterwards. After three days, the animal will be used to it.

Dogs learn very quickly to use this accessory, although some are frightened when we put something around their necks. If your pet does this, it will take a little more time for him to get used to and stay calm when wearing the collar.


Just as we did with the collar, we’ll do with the strap. We will allow the dog to see it, smell it and become familiar with it. We’ll fasten the leash, but we’ll leave it loose and play with the dog. We will repeat this exercise for another three days. The leash should be left loose while we play with our dog, that way he won’t notice that we’re actually training him to get used to it.

The key to the success of the process is that the belt doesn’t fit too tight. If we do this, the dog will behave defensively and will try to pull away.

Attach the collar properly

When putting the collar on our animal, do not tighten it too much. A good time to do this is when the dog is busy with something else, such as eating something he likes. That way he will relate the collar to a pleasant moment.

the ride

There is no ideal way to make dogs learn to walk with a collar, but we can try different techniques to teach our furry to walk without pulling it.

If as we approach with the collar in hand the dog starts barking, moaning, jumping and running, it is best to wait for him to remain completely still. A good trick is not to do or say anything until the animal is calm. When he’s quiet, we can fasten the collar.

Once they’re out on the street, watch out for the pulls. Dogs can get stressed about this and pull even harder. It’s also important to walk faster and run during the ride so they pay less attention to the collar. The fast pace will be very beneficial to the health of our pet.


Offering some reward that he likes is very useful for him to get used to wearing the collar. It can be a candy, a toy, etc. This way, the animal will associate the use of the leash and the collar to a pleasant moment.

Make sure the collar is neither too loose nor too tight. The correct thing is that the space between it and the animal’s neck is enough to pass a finger.

If the collar is too loose, it could get stuck somewhere or the animal could easily escape. If it is too tight, it can make the animal have difficulty breathing and swallowing.

the length of the collar

Ideally, the strap we use during walks should not be more than two meters long, especially when doing the exercises, so that the dog gets used to it. If the strap is too long, the animal can run and reach a very high speed before it reaches the end of the rope, which can cause a very strong impact on its neck, which is not recommended.

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