How To Feed A Cat With Diarrhea

How to feed a cat with diarrhea

Diarrhea is characterized by frequent bowel movements of soft or watery stools. It can be caused by a change in diet, infection, or serious illness. The duration depends on each case. They can be sudden or last for weeks or months. A cat with diarrhea should not be a cause for concern if this condition does not persist for more than a day, if it does, you should take your pet to the vet as your cat may become dehydrated.

What makes a cat get diarrhea?

O que deixa o gato com diarreia?

Diarrhea can be caused by several reasons. One of the most frequent is a change in diet. It can also occur by eating certain foods that are not in good condition. Another cause refers to a bacterial infection or an inflammatory bowel disease.

Other reasons are related to kidney or liver disease, cancer or other digestive tract tumors. It can also occur from taking certain medications or from hyperthyroidism.

The most common symptoms of diarrhea are frequent stools. Other signs include flatulence, blood in the stool, straining, and an increased urge to go to the bathroom.

It also causes lethargy, dehydration, fever, vomiting, loss of appetite and weight loss.

If your cat’s diarrhea is accompanied by bloody stools, it may be suffering from bleeding in the stomach or intestine. Therefore, he must be examined immediately by a veterinarian.

A cat with diarrhea, if not examined in time, and if certain precautions are not taken, may develop a more serious condition.

In this sense, it is very important to take care of your diet. Is that, having this problem, it is advisable to avoid feeding it between 12 and 24 hours. However, you must provide fresh, clean water to avoid dehydration.

To introduce helpful bacteria into the digestive tract, cats can consume probiotics. Probiotics for human consumption can also be very beneficial to cats, as they often contain more than one species of useful and beneficial bacteria.

At stores that sell vitamins you can get probiotic capsules, which can contain up to 7 billion microorganisms per unit.

Then, your kittens can consume them mixed in half their meal dose, twice a day. If you want, you can also dissolve and give them with a syringe.

Non-fat plain yogurt is another method of introducing beneficial bacteria into a cat’s digestive tract. Many cats love it. You can give them one or two tablespoons a day.

How should a cat with diarrhea be treated? How to prevent diarrhea in cats?

Como o gato com diarreia deve ser tratado?

Cats should not normally have diarrhea. Cats that have hairballs can also experience this type of problem.

However, this can also indicate other problems: an inflammatory bowel disease, for example. If that is the case, it must be dealt with immediately.

On the other hand, cats that spend a lot of time outdoors may be at greater risk of contracting internal parasites and eating inappropriate foods.

This type of situation can also be one of the causes of diarrhea. For this reason, you should monitor your kitten’s habits.

Avoid dairy products in your cat’s diet, no matter how much he likes it. Almost all cats like the taste of milk and yogurt, but some adult animals are intolerant of lactose, the enzyme needed to digest any type of dairy food.

Lactose is not digested in the intestines of kittens, there it ferments causing gas or diarrhea. So it’s best that you don’t include it in your pussies’ diet.

On the other hand, if you have decided to change your cat’s diet, it is best to introduce it gradually, mixing with the old brand to ensure an easier transition in your pet’s digestive tract.

In case the diarrhea continues, take your cat to the vet. It will examine your pet to detect or rule out underlying illnesses.

To do this, a sample of blood and excreta will be taken to determine the presence of internal parasites.

Other diagnostic tests can include x-rays, ultrasound, endoscopy, and even a biopsy. The tests and treatments recommended will depend on how long the diarrhea has been present and what condition your pet is in.

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