7 Games For Your Cat

7 games for your cat

There is nothing more satisfying for pet owners than playing with them. Cats, like dogs, need games, since this way they reduce health problems and overweight, in addition to avoiding behavioral problems such as anxiety, depression and even aggression.

Cats that live in houses or apartments need at least 30 minutes of daily play.  This way, you will encourage physical exercise and prevent your cat from becoming a sedentary and bored animal.

But that’s not all: when owners play with their pets, a bond is created that nothing and no one can break. That’s why in this article we want to give you 7 games for your cat.

1.- Intelligence games

These types of games don’t have to be exclusive to dogs. Our cat friends love it too. There are different types on the market, such as puzzles or constructions with holes. They consist of hiding objects so that our little friends can find them.

It will be a really fun game for him, but you won’t stop laughing seeing how your cat manages to find his lost toy.

2.- The ball game

kitten sleeping

This game is possibly what our little friend likes the most. We all have a ball or some other object at home that spins. Toss it for your cat to pick it up, and you’ll see how it can toss you into the air and spend a lot of time entertained with your toy.

There are many types of balls: with noise, with feathers or simply you can make a unique one for him.

3.- Chasing the light

For this game you will only need a flashlight. Project the light onto some surface, such as a wall or floor. You will see how your cat chases her and will circle to try to catch her. This game can be a lot of fun not only for him but also for you.

4.- Chase the mouse!

In that case, you’ll need a tissue mouse tied to a rope. You just have to place the toy somewhere in the house and pull the string to make the mouse move. In this way, you will arouse your cat’s interest, which will chase you all over the house.

You can also hide the toy in a cardboard tube and have him take it off.

5.- The penalty game

The feather game is possibly the most used by cats. For this, you need a stick to tie one end of the rope and, at the end of the rope, a feather, although it could be some other object like a cork, for example.

Shake the stick so that the feather moves before your eyes, it will try to catch it. But remember that at the end of the game you will have to let him catch his prey, this way your pussy will be happier.

6.- The box with holes

In that case, you’ll need a cardboard box, where you’ll make different holes big enough for the cat to put its paws on. Then put your cat’s different toys, such as a ball, mouse, etc. Your little feline will have a good time trying to get your reward. This game is very attractive to them.

7.- The bag of surprises

It consists of putting some of your pet’s favorite treats inside a paper bag. Your cat will immediately look for your treasure.

Some advice when playing with your cat

cat playing

First, you must take into account that cat games, and pets in general,  should not encourage any form of aggression or competition.

Cats are hunters by nature, so it is interesting to take advantage of this behavior so that the domesticated cat runs and chases its toys. Remember that, for this reason, cats like small toys more, as they resemble their prey.

Cats usually play alone, but it would be great if their owners would devote at least 30 minutes a day to playing with their pets.

Remember that once the game is over, you must remove all toys from your view. In this way, you will increase your cat’s interest in them in the next session.

Every cat has its favorite game. So it’s the owner’s job to find out what it is, and what arouses the most interest in his little friend.

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