The Most Common Diseases In Cats

If we stay alert, we can spot the most common cat illnesses in time, which will be good for their health.
The most common diseases in cats

While it’s true that age, genetics, and other factors influence disease in felines, it’s also true that there are more common diseases in cats that can affect any breed, age, or genetic makeup.

It is important to know them to be aware of our pets and act quickly if necessary.

The most common diseases in cats

You already know that having a pet is about more than just providing it with food and lodging. We must ensure their well-being and meet all of their physical and emotional needs, including being aware of any discomfort they may experience as a result of any illness.

Sometimes, ignorance can lead us to stop acting or make mistakes. Therefore, it is important to stay informed, because knowledge is never too much and because, in this way, we will be able to act when necessary. These are the most common diseases in cats:


Otitis is a disease that cats rarely escape. It is usually not serious, as long as it is treated in time, as it is nothing more than an inflammation of the ear canal that causes pain.

However, if not treated in time, it can become a serious infection that can even cause the animal to lose its hearing.

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It is usually caused by parasites, fungi and bacteria. You will notice that your cat may have ear infections because he will be scratching his ears too often and will feel uncomfortable.

As soon as you notice these behaviors in your cat, go to the veterinarian so he can diagnose and apply the necessary treatment.

Performing the periodical deworming process, as well as daily cleaning your cat’s ears, can prevent otitis from appearing.


This is another common ailment among cats. It doesn’t matter the age or the breed, any cat can go through this.

Think that cats have great agility that allows them to sneak around, and that they love to go out and hide in hard-to-reach places where they can be filled with dust or other types of dirt.

cat with scratchy eye

This can cause inflammation of the lining of the eye and cause conjunctivitis. Although this is usually a disease easily treated with saline and eye cleaning, if we don’t act in time, the cat can lose sight.

In addition to dirt, conjunctivitis can also be caused by genetic problems, allergies, eye infections, or other diseases that damage the eyes. It will be easy to diagnose that your feline has conjunctivitis because it will have excess bumps, watery eyes, and its cornea may become darker.

feline leukemia

There are more and more cases of feline leukemia, which is often related to feline AIDS. It tends to affect younger, smaller cats, so it usually has a high mortality rate.

The most common diseases in cats

The most common symptoms are: lack of appetite, lethargy, drowsiness, anemia, presence of a tumor and weakness. In the face of any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate to take your pet to the vet. Doing this in time could save your life.


Although, as a general rule, rabies in dogs receives more attention, it also occurs in cats. Furthermore, it is transmissible between species; therefore, if your cat comes into contact with other cats or dogs that have it, it is more likely that it is easily infected.

cat biting the owner's hand

The best thing to do is to avoid it through mandatory vaccinations for this purpose. If you think your cat might be angry, don’t hesitate or delay taking him to the vet.

Intestinal problems

Animals tend to be eager to eat, so they take everything they find along the way to their mouths. That’s why, on many occasions, they suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, or any other symptom that shows there is a gastrointestinal problem.

cat taking

In these cases, the best thing to do is to let the animal fast or offer a very light diet and plenty of water to keep it hydrated. However, in the face of any symptoms, to ensure that it is nothing more serious, it is best to consult your veterinarian.

If you are aware of any changes in your pet’s attitude or health, you can recognize any of the most common illnesses in cats.

In the face of any suspicion, do not hesitate to consult a specialist, as it may be a symptom of something serious, but which can be remedied if you act in time.

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