Buying Dogs Instead Of Adopting Fosters Animal Abuse

Certain breeders in Eastern Europe are taking advantage of the high demand to exploit females to the full, which do not even live in the best possible conditions. In the same way, the puppies live and are transported in an unhygienic environment, subjected to a lot of stress, in an immeasurable amount of harm.
Buying dogs instead of adopting fosters animal abuse

Buy dogs instead of adopting

From a very young age – through shop windows, bars and doors – we are captivated by large crystalline eyes, full of love, and most of all, with a desire to be loved. Buying dogs instead of adopting did not cross our minds, as we were not aware of the evil that was happening there.

It is natural for human beings to feel empathy for another living being. Deep down, we know that these sounds are of suffering, even though we don’t stop for a moment to think about the reason for the pup’s state. All that matters to us is buying the dog and giving him our affection.

Where do puppies come from?

Without realizing it, we are part of a chair of suffering hidden behind the dog-selling business. Have you ever wondered where these little ones come from? In the case of Europe, many come from illegal breeding sites in eastern countries such as Slovakia and Hungary.

These places, maintained by the purchase of dogs across the continent, are dedicated to the breeding of puppies of good breeds (as if they were a product).


To have this “product”, mothers are used as “industrial machines”, confining them to small spaces with a deficient diet and prone to infections and dehydration.

Litter after litter, females become a simple machine stunted by lack of movement, whose only function is to keep production alive, while wearing out little by little.

For these breeders, what matters most is the money, and that is why they exceed the capacity of the bitches, no matter if they are harming their reproductive organs, or if they die in the process. Experts on the subject recommend waiting between one pregnancy and another before performing a new crossing. However, due to the lack of control and the inexistence of laws that regulate the functioning of these establishments, most of these bitches are physically and psychologically harmed.

Puppies with health problems, viruses and depression are some of the consequences of treating these beings as objects. Their existence is destined for a specific purpose and, when they cannot fulfill it, they end up being sacrificed and replaced immediately.


Buying dogs instead of adopting makes us contribute to this production chair, even if we don’t know about it. In this way, the rights of animals kept there by force, and of all those who are yet to be born , are harmed and violated.

Creation, movement and sale

At five or six weeks old, the little ones are weaned and taken to dark rooms, where they are placed in plastic boxes or cages filled with paper to absorb their waste. There, they also gain their food and hydration, which contributes to the spread of viruses and infections.

The trips last more than 72 hours, stopping only at pet stores throughout the region, which place orders with “distributors”. Between 150 and 200 puppies are crammed into vans, inside cages stacked on top of each other.

Between the cages, there is a strip of absorbent paper, which is the only agent that “stops” the passage of urine and feces that fall along the way from the upper levels. This makes it clear that buying dogs instead of adopting fosters animal abuse.

Dog in a shipping crate

There are no stops so that the puppies can stretch their legs, breathe in fresh air or receive sunlight. Feeding and hydration are also not monitored every four hours, as recommended. The animals are still too small to be subjected to so much stress and, despite that, they have certificates – fake – of hygiene and health.

The great demand for purebred dogs promotes this type of treatment. Breeders put the profit of the business above life, and even deny that these conditions put the physical and psychological condition of the dogs at risk.

Animal stores, virtual pages and even clandestine spaces promote the sale of puppies, in many cases sick, doped by antibiotic cocktails when they are acquired. The owners of the little ones constantly fight against the parvovirus or distemper (distemper), which sometimes lead to their puppies’ death in a few days.

adopt saves lives

Shelters and animals provide encouragement, well-being and affection to abandoned dogs, mostly mixed breed dogs. This while many of us still sponsor the purchase of dogs without knowing the mistreatment that does not appear to our eyes.

Adopting helps to save many of these lives that are lost, not only on the streets of the world, but also because of the mistreatment  of these animals. Shelters look after their health and give them a safe and adequate place for their needs, which must be respected even after adoption.

If adoption rates increase, the demand for breeding sites will gradually decrease, which will force those who treat animals as merchandise to close their doors. Love and care is all these friends ask for in exchange for unconditional affection. Therefore, adopting them without an interest other than giving affection is a good way to show love for them.

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