How To Socialize A Cat

How to socialize a cat

Cats have a bad reputation for being skittish and moody animals. That’s why many think it’s hard to teach a feline to socialize, because its behavior is something it carries in its genes. That thought may be true, but helping a kitten be more sociable isn’t impossible.

In this article, we’ll cover this topic so that you can teach your kitten how to socialize from an early age and you can have a nice and friendly pet with everyone.

teaching a cat to socialize

By following a few simple steps, you can teach your cat to socialize with other cats, other animals and even people. If you want to have a cat that delights everyone, keep reading and put all our suggestions into practice.


Find a suitable space

Cats are well known for their curiosity. When they come home and we leave them free to roam everywhere, we’re not contributing anything to our goal. So when our new friend arrives, it ‘s best to leave him in a small space, but adequate for his size.

It could be the backyard, the terrace or, if you don’t have such a space at home, it could be the room you’re always in so that he doesn’t feel isolated, but without giving access to the rest of the rooms. As it grows and time passes, the space allowed for it can gradually increase.

how to attract the cat

Although the idea of ​​giving food to the cat is not too bad, if the animal only associates our hands with that, offering food, we are not earning their affection, but rather buying their affection, and for a few moments.

Therefore, the cat should see us as friends, for giving him affection and love, although it is not an easy task at first, as his independent personality will not allow him to approach you very quickly.

To get to know the animal, it is important to observe its behavior, as well as its body language, discovering how it reacts to our gestures and, in this way, noticing what it likes and dislikes.

Tips for getting closer to the cat

Approaching an animal directly is never recommended, let alone a cat. He may interpret this approach as an aggressive act, responding in the same way. Therefore, the ideal is that, before approaching the pussy, we walk a little around it so that it gets used to our presence.

play with your feline

Play is a fundamental part of a cat’s life and will be of great help in teaching him to be more sociable. It is important to have an appointment for play activities, as games will help you to stay relaxed and accept any change with more humor.

If the cat feels that not everything is under its control, it will always be on the alert and will therefore exhibit antisocial behavior.


That’s why it’s important that you play with your feline, talk to him and pet him every day. Once the cat is used to this routine, it can introduce other people to the games, one at a time.

Later on, you can invite another cat or even a dog to play. This way, from an early age, the animal will be used to being around others, whether animals or people, and will be a nice and affectionate pussy when it grows up.

How long does it take to socialize our cat?

It’s not good to keep expectations too high in this regard, as each cat is unique and it will take a lot of time, patience, and effort to socialize it.

Some cats are more naturally shy or more skittish, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to teach them. If you make the effort and give all your love and commitment, you will make it before you know it.

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