Incontinence In Cats

This disease is quite common in cats, especially when they reach a certain age. It can have many causes, but usually the treatment is simple. More complicated situations may require surgery.
incontinence in cats

These pets occupy the first places in the  ranking  of the cleanest. Cats are extremely concerned about their hygiene, being very clean. Incontinence is a reflection of some other health problem. Emotional or physical discomfort causes involuntary leakage of urine.

When it is detected that the cat has changes in its urination, it  is necessary to visit a veterinarian. We must not punish them or fight with them, as it is a situation they cannot control. In fact, the feline itself is certainly irritated and uncomfortable when it gets wet.

Incontinence in cats is the inability to control the sphincters. Although it is more common in older cats, all kittens can suffer from the problem. The causes of the disease must be detected in order to carry out adequate treatment.

blind cat

Causes of Incontinence in Cats

  • Older cats often start to lose urine because their muscles are weakened with age.
  • Congenital malformation. If there are deformities in his bladder or urethra, he may not have full control of his bowels. In these cases, the disease begins to manifest itself in the first months of life.
  • Urinary infection. They have to go to the  sandbox  all the time and nothing comes out; or else it happens that they don’t arrive in time.
  • Sterilization. This process suppresses a number of hormones in the animal. The absence of these can cause incontinence in cats.
  • Being overweight  also has a negative influence.
  • Feline leukemia. They tend not to control their urethra, especially while they are sleeping.
  • Feline Cancer. The pressure exerted by certain tumors on your body causes incontinence.
  • Calculations. Small stones that form with minerals clog the urethra. They also produce inflammation of the bladder. The urine outlet is partially obstructed, so the animal appears to urinate “in drops”.
  • Pelvis, hip or spine trauma. The blows suffered in a feline accident can affect urine control.
  • Emotional disorders. Changes in the environment due to  a change of house  or a new member of the family also affect them. If the problem is found to be emotional, it should be given more attention and affection. However, if incontinence persists, professional help should be sought.

What should pet owners do about incontinence?

The animal is going through a stage that can be more or less easy to overcome. The main thing is that your owner does not scold you for the loss of urine. Your frustration could make the situation worse.

What they need is a lot of patience, love and support, like any sick person; feel that their owners care about them and that they can turn the situation around. Placing more boxes of toilet stones around the house is a good way to start.

cat in the sandbox

Urine leakage causes skin irritations in cats; it is necessary to avoid these situations, increasing your hygiene. Every time we find it wet with its own urine, we have to wash it and dry it.

In addition to affective support, you should visit your veterinarian to get a diagnosis. Detecting the real cause of incontinence in cats allows you to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Cat Incontinence Treatments

Treatment is directly related to the cause that gives rise to the problem. In most cases, good results are obtained.  However, the important thing is not to let too much time pass before asking for help.

  • Hormonal Supplements. They are usually applied when the cat has been neutered.
  • Antibiotics. Regular medication intake eliminates  urinary tract infections  and, in addition, can control other diseases that cause incontinence.
  • Catheter. In more severe cases, an indwelling catheter is placed to evacuate urine.
  • Surgeries. They are needed to make corrections for some deformities in the bladder or urethra. Also to eliminate kidney stones that cannot otherwise be expelled.
  • Dietary diet. For overweight cats, a low-fat diet is recommended. It’s hard to change your eating habits, but it will help you live a healthier and more hygienic life.
  • Collagen Injections. A new therapy uses multiple collagen injections at the same time to strengthen the muscles that control the urethra.

There are no preventative measures for incontinence in cats; it is simply being  mindful of your health. When faced with an unusual symptom, you must be patient and seek professional advice.

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