Dogs Feel Our Pain

dogs feel our pain

Possibly, we will never fail to give reasons for you to have a pet in your life. However, of all the pets you can have, certainly the ones that are best adapted to humans, especially because of our ability to show solidarity with them, are dogs.

Dogs have been shown to feel our pain and try to relieve us of it. We’ll talk a little bit about this below.

It may sound a little strange to anyone who has never shared life with dogs, but anyone who has ever owned a dog will surely agree is that dogs seem to understand our emotions and decipher our moods.

Scientific evidence, supported by experts in canine behavior, seems to show that this is true, and it is due in large part to the developed intelligence they have that allows them not only to experience a wide range of emotions, but also to be able to capture some of them. of ours.

That’s why they know how to read our gestures, our facial expressions and our tone of voice, thus realizing if we are sad, happy, nervous or if we feel pain.

Support in times of crisis and pain

It is a statistical reality that people who have pets are less stressed, less likely to consult their doctors, and more easily overcome situations of depression and sadness.

According to an investigation by the University of Goldsmiths (London), dogs can understand a wide range of emotions in their owners and therefore distinguish when people feel stressed, sad, emotional…

child hugging dog

Because dogs develop an emotionally dependent relationship with their owners and because they have adapted over millennia to sharing time with humans, they worry about what happens to them.

That’s why they are always attentive and submissive, especially when they perceive negative emotions, as this is the way they have to show empathy with people, even when it’s not about their owners.

behavior towards emotions

Anyone who owns a dog will be able to see that they react according to the emotions that the owner shows.

For example, if the owner is angry or showing physical signs of being upset (pounds things, slams doors, etc.), he is most likely not to approach you. However, if happy, the dog may wag its tail and want to play, as a way to share its owner’s joy.

In case you are sad, he will accompany you and will be by your side giving you support, this is due to the fact that they can feel that you are suffering and they try to alleviate this situation with his presence.

You can see many examples of this on the internet, for example, instances where dogs calm children, save people by realizing they are in danger, or let them know when something happens. This is just a demonstration of your enormous sensitivity.

In the experiment carried out by the University of Goldmiths, dogs were exposed to different types of stimuli generated by people. For example whispering, talking or crying. Dogs reacted similarly to the demonstrations of pain, approaching the person and trying to seek physical contact.

dog giving paw

This was an important finding, as distraction actions (for example, humming) were used precisely to prove that the dog’s action was not being motivated by curiosity. However, dogs could differentiate between crying and singing, having very different reactions to each action.

Does this only work with humans?

Definitely not. In fact, it is quite common to see cases of dogs that rescue, accompany or help in some way other animals in need of support. This indicates that dogs are highly intuitive and very sensitive to perceive the needs of others, regardless of species.

We leave you this video of a beautiful dog consoling an autistic child during a crisis:

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