Black German Shepherd: Everything You Didn’t Know About This Breed

Let’s talk about a variation of one of the best known breeds today: the black German Shepherd, whose dark coat is due to a recessive gene.
Black German Shepherd: Everything You Didn't Know About This Breed

The first image that comes to mind when we talk about the German Shepherd is that of a strong and attentive dog, with black and brown fur. Well then, let’s show you a variation of this wonderful breed: the Black German Shepherd. If you want to know more, don’t miss the following article.

Black German Shepherd Story

The origin of these animals, as you might have guessed, is linked to the history of the German shepherd. And it must be said that  the history of this breed is relatively short, since the first records of this animal date from the late nineteenth century, more specifically from 1899.

The character and characteristics of this breed made these animals ideal candidates for use as herding and guard dogs in mountainous areas of Germany. Over the years, the breed was ‘officialized’ and its use became widespread in World War II. Currently, they perform functions in support of the security forces, as well as in support of people with disabilities.

But what is the biological history of the Black German Shepherd? Of course, genetics and heredity are the keys to this conundrum, more specifically what is known in biology as a recessive gene. Thus,  if both parents carry the recessive gene for the color black, the descendant German Shepherd will be black.

Black German Shepherd: Everything You Didn't Know About This Breed

If this is not the case and one of the parents does not carry the gene, the puppy will likely have a black coat, but with some more brown or reddish areas.

General features

In general, it can be said that these animals  follow the typical pattern of the German Shepherd breed. They have an overall robust and elongated shape, with a very firm and muscular back. They are relatively large animals, weighing between 30 and 47 kg for males and 25 and 35 kg for females.

Their maximum height is about 65 centimeters in males and 60 centimeters in the case of females, which makes them  slightly larger than common German shepherds. The head, proportional to the body, is wedge-shaped and harbors medium-sized almond eyes. The ears, characteristic of this breed, are pointed, erect and always facing forward.

As already mentioned,  the fur of these animals has a uniform black color, with some exceptions. The coat is usually composed of short hair, although there are some variations – uncommon – with long hair.

Behavior and care of the Black German Shepherd

Its size and size can mislead us, leading to the false idea that it is an aggressive breed. But, in fact, we are facing a calm animal, extremely balanced and not aggressive at all. He is usually quite sociable and not afraid to meet new people.

Black German Shepherd: Everything You Didn't Know About This Breed

Your sense of loyalty also stands out. This, along with the ability to always be alert, makes them excellent guard dogs and protectors. But, in order for us to enjoy our dog as much as possible, it is important to commit to it, offering a quality education from an early age.

As for care, perhaps the most important is daily physical exercise. Because of their hard-working nature, it is advisable for daily walks to be long. If we get the chance, they’ll love running outdoors. As with other breeds, we must keep track of their diet and take care of their coat through brushing.

The Black German Shepherd is subject to illnesses such as distemper or the dreaded hip dysplasia. Therefore, it is important that proper veterinary examinations are carried out. In this way, both we and he will be able to have a healthy life and in good company.

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