Animals On The Brink Of Death In A Spanish Protective Association

Animals on the brink of death in a Spanish protective association

How sad to have to report again about animal abuse! But believe me, it is necessary to make people aware so that these cases are increasingly smaller. And what saddens me most is that the mistreatment happened once again in the country where I was born, I really feel ashamed. Sadly, but the truth is that this protective Spanish association kept animals on the brink of death.

When we hear stories about abuse, we all feel sad, but if in addition, as is the case, the abuse comes from people who are supposed to be paid to care for it, it fills us even more with indignation and impotence. We will tell this story and hope that you will share it with many people to stop these abuses.

The Spanish Protective Association that mistreats animals

dogs in the street

This supposed protective association is located in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, and its abbreviations are CIMPA (Centro Integral Municipal de Protección das Animales). It is a municipal protective association that depends on resources provided by the Alcalá prefecture and on donations from animal lovers.

According to Alberto Ejido, the city’s environmental councilor, they began to suspect that something was not right when they noticed that the resources granted to the protective association did not cover the basic needs of the animals and the facilities. On the other hand, the members of this protective association didn’t do anything to get extra resources, so the numbers didn’t fit.

Then began the investigation, which was joined by veterinarians, members of Seprona and police officers, making visits to several Spanish protective associations where they were quickly able to see the state of the animals.

Several of them had to be hospitalized, most with cachexia (extreme thinness). The animals not only did not receive proper hygiene, but were also not fed, were malnourished and dehydrated.

Would the economic resource received by this protective association be small?

Apparently, no, it wouldn’t be. Let’s see what you think. The protective association was ceded to Desratização Parque SL when the June 2014 elections took place. An agreement was then signed for around 80,000 euros a year for the protective association.

Considering that there are an average of less than a hundred animals per month, it doesn’t seem to me a negligible amount to leave animals without food and on the brink of death. What would have happened if the city had not been aware of the situation?

Spanish protective association taken by surprise

They say that when they visit us by surprise they always catch us with the house upside down, but do we just tidy the house when we know someone is coming to visit? That’s exactly what happened to this Spanish protective association. And that was the unfortunate excuse that the association gave verbatim:

animal on a lawn

“Seprona, the police or the community never found irregularities in the visits. Nor the councilor. It is illogical for anyone to report to CIMPA at dawn without the presence of qualified personnel. The accusation is unfounded, stains the team’s work and discredits the company”. – Source: El País newspaper.

In other words, when the visits were scheduled, the malnourished dogs were hidden, but of course, because they arrived by surprise, they found the dogs exposed. Yes, there was a kind of “police raid” and they caught them hands-on. Glad they did it that way!

The judge and city hall were silent on such cheap excuses that those responsible for the protective association used to defend themselves.

According to CIMPA, the veterinarian told them that the thinness was due to the cold. However, from June 2014 to November 2015 there were a total of 125 animal deaths.

The report from the same veterinarian they appointed to investigate the case says that it is clear that it is a case of animal maltreatment in which even the basic needs of the animals were not met and the necessary interventions were not made for the dogs. were clean and in healthy condition.

The company was removed from office, still awaiting the judgment in which we expect them to pay for what they did to the animals, and the city government gave the Spanish protective association to another company, as, according to them, “it is not just any entity, as it must look after the good of other living beings, and that for us is very important” . Thank you Alcalá!

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