Home Recipes For Dogs And Cats

Homemade Recipes for Dogs and Cats

A nutritious diet is the key for pets to develop in a healthy way. Next, we’ll share some homemade recipes for dogs and cats that will win your stomachs. It’s literally time to get your hands dirty!

Pumpkin and peanut butter croquettes


1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1/2 tablespoon salt
1/2 tablespoon ground cinnamon


This recipe is ideal for dogs. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 175ºC.

Mix the flour, eggs, pumpkin, peanut butter, salt and cinnamon in a bowl. Add water if necessary, but not too much, as the idea is for the dough to be dry and hard. Roll out the dough. Cut into pieces.
Bake in a preheated oven until they are hard, which should take about 40 minutes.

Recipe for cats made with bones and supplements



2 kg chicken bones
400 grams chicken heart
200 grams raw chicken liver
2 cups water
4 raw egg yolks
4 capsules raw glandular supplement (purchased from vitamin or pet stores)
4000 mg of salmon oil
800 IU (international unit) of vitamin E
200 mg of vitamin B-50
1.5 tablespoon of Salt Lite (with iodine)

NOTE: If parts such as heart or liver cannot be found, you can replace the missing amount with the equivalent in chicken meat.


Remove half the skin from the meat. Set the cut meat aside for later use. Don’t grind.

Grind raw liver, skin, bones and heart. Once ground, add  this mixture to the meat and store it in the refrigerator.

Fill a bowl with 2 cups of water and mix with all supplements except psyllium. Separate everything that is prepared into portions and divide into containers taking them to the freezer.

Before serving, place the prepared frozen food in a plastic bag and soak it in hot water. Never use the microwave to heat your cat’s food. Pussies like their food at a moderate temperature.

Every two or three days it is advisable to spray the food you have prepared with a few drops of fresh salmon oil. This oil provides your pet with essential fatty acids. Also, most cats love the taste of this oil.

If your pet has been eating low quality commercial food for many years,  especially dry food, it may have lost bowel elasticity and may benefit from the extra fiber in this type of food. But keep in mind that not all cats need additional fiber (psyllium) in their diet.

dumplings for dogs


1 1/2 cups whole wheat
1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup rolled oats
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup canola oil
2 eggs
3 tablespoons peanut butter
2 tablespoons vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 200ºC.

Mix the flour and oats in a bowl. Make a hole in the center and slowly pour in the water, oil, eggs, peanut butter and vanilla. Mix well.

On a flat surface, use a rolling pin to roll out the dough. Cut the dough into a bone shape for the puppies. Place the cookies on the baking sheet that will be placed in the oven.

Bake the dumplings for 20 minutes. After the dumplings are baked,  leave them in the oven for another 20 minutes to harden a little longer. Serve them to your dogs as a way to reward them for their good behavior.

cat cookies


1 1/2 cup boiled and pounded chicken
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup cornmeal
Half cup chicken stock
1 tablespoon margarine


Preheat oven to 180ºC.

In a bowl, mix the chicken, stock and margarine. Add the flour. Mix well so that no lumps are formed. Then roll the dough into a ball and roll it out to form a straight line. After that, cut the dough into small portions. You can use fish or heart shapes to customize the cupcakes. Bake the preparation for 20 minutes. Remember, before serving the cupcakes to your cats, allow them to cool for a few minutes.

If you want to make some modifications to this recipe, you can replace the chicken with pieces of liver, salmon or tuna. It all depends on what your cat likes best.

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