Negão, The Best Gas Station Employee

Negão, the best employee at the gas station

Who would have thought that, when filling up your car at a gas station, you would find a four-legged employee? No doubt it would be a lot of fun and curious. This is what must say those who see “Negão”, a Brazilian dog who has a job and is very happy with it.

Negão and his job at the gas station

Customers wonder, how can you be an employee if you are a dog? It’s strange, it’s true, but everything changes when you see him in action. Negão can attend without problems at the gas station, and this gave him the nickname of “the best customer service assistant”.

The story of this particular worker began two years ago. It happened when a woman named Sabrina Plannerer, along with her husband, decided to buy a gas station under construction. The post is located in the city of Mogi das Cruzes, in São Paulo.

When they arrived at the work, they realized that there was something additional to the contract. Here was a four-legged tenant who had been abandoned by his previous owners. The couple could not abandon him or take him to a shelter, as he apparently lived there for a long time.

Sabrina said they adopted him at the same time. They provided him with all the necessary care, including a visit to the veterinarian to vaccinate and deworm the animal. They bought a sack of food, a special house for him and a collar so they could take him for a walk.

The ‘petrol’ dog

When the post was finally inaugurated, Negão had a new home. I was surrounded by love and… I had a job! When the owners of the establishment noticed the dog’s charisma in front of customers, they decided to include him in the business.

According to what they say, the dog  has a natural talent: to attract customers. For his work at the gas station, he was given a badge that identifies him as a commercial employee. In addition, it was considered the best in customer service, as it is always wagging its tail and greeting pedestrians.

The owner says he waits for a car to arrive and then approaches to say hello. Some regular customers bring him toys or food. Negão became the advertising image of a foundation of the FERA Group. The company aims to provide a home for stray dogs, thanks to the support of local companies. According to the spokesman for the association, people enjoy more with a four-legged colleague  because it makes their work more relaxed.

take the dogs to the office

A growing number of companies allow their employees to bring their dogs.  They do this to reduce stress and enjoy a more productive journey. According to a study by the University of Commonwealth, Virginia, in the United States, workers who share their day with a dog find the hours at their workplace more satisfactory and return home more relaxed and happier.

Allowing pets access to businesses boosts morale and reduces anxiety. The good news is that the benefits are not only for the dog’s owner, but also for their co-workers. The survey analyzed the state of mind of a group of factory workers who allow them to take their pets with them. According to the study, which lasted a week,  the employees’ stress level decreased. At the same time, job satisfaction, commitment and peer support increased.

During the course of the workday, people seemed happier and less tired when they had the company of a dog. Having a pet in the workplace is a great advantage, as it allows for cooperation among colleagues, reduces tension and increases productivity.

As long as the dogs are polite, don’t attack or bark, and get along with strangers, a company can allow its employees to take their pets to visit the office, shop or factory one day a week.

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