Things Your Cat Hates

To make your kitten feel loved, we recommend that you get to know cats’ body language better. In short, it’s about avoiding some of the things your cat hates on a daily basis.
things your cat hates

Something that all tutors know is that our cats have a unique personality and well-defined preferences. When the cat hates something, he will likely make it clear through his everyday behaviors. 

In addition to not being easy, it’s also not recommended to ignore your pet’s attitudes, as they often say a lot about your health and well-being. For this reason, below, we will analyze the things your cat hates and what you should avoid in your routine to offer your cat a great quality of life.

6 things your cat hates and you should avoid on a daily basis

Below, you will find some of the customs and habits that we should avoid for the greatest happiness of our feline friend:

bad hygiene

Cats are very clean animals that generally devote several hours a day to personal hygiene. Inadequate environmental hygiene is one of the things that cats hate and that can seriously harm their health. Therefore, we have prepared some basic tips to provide your kitten with great hygiene:

  • Daily, collect faeces and urine  from the litter box with the help of a shovel. To help you in this task, we recommend that you get to know the binder type sands.
  • At least once a week, sanitize  your cat’s litter box  using mild soap and warm water. The use of corrosive or irritating products is not recommended, as they can cause allergies and affect the feline’s mucous membranes.
  • Always keep the litter box well away from the cat’s rest and feeding area . Preferably, place it in a well-ventilated place with good lighting.
  • Avoid accumulation of dirt  at home to maintain a sustainable hygiene routine.

things your cat hates

citrus smells

Citrus fragrances can be very pleasant for us. However,  citrus fruits are among the foods that are bad for cats and their smell is extremely repulsive  to them.

Although they can recognize acid flavors well, this  type of food  also doesn’t appeal to felines, so they usually have a natural rejection of them. This is probably an adaptive capacity that the animal’s organism has developed, since citrus fruits can cause serious digestive problems for them, such as diarrhea and vomiting.

Sudden changes in routine and environment

In general, animals tend to stick to a routine as a way to protect themselves  and avoid unnecessary exposure to possible risks to their well-being. Cats are no exception, and maintaining their day-to-day habits is something they highly appreciate in order to feel safe in the environment.

things your cat hates

Any sudden change in your cat’s routine or environment will likely affect its health and behavior negatively. For this reason, remember that both small changes and house changes should be made gradually, respecting the adaptation times of each animal.

Unnecessary exposure to water

Unless your cat belongs to one of the breeds that loves water,  one of the things your cat hates is direct exposure to water. This peculiar relationship with water is one of the most emblematic characteristics of cats.

things your cat hates

Although some animals can adapt to bathing regularly, it is ideal to use dry bathing methods to clean your cat. In pet stores , you can find foams to give dry baths to cats, and you can also use homemade solutions, such as baking soda.

loud noises

Cats have truly privileged senses and their hearing is much more powerful than ours. That’s why loud noises and violent stimuli are one of the things your cat hates.

A positive environment is essential for the physical, cognitive and emotional development of all felines. This means that it is necessary to provide a positive home, where your cat finds the ideal conditions to feel safe and loved.

All too human displays of affection

Cats maintain their own language, which is not governed by the same codes as ours. The social behavior of cats does not include human displays of affection, such as kissing or hugging. Therefore, this type of attitude is usually uncomfortable for your cat, who will probably try to escape.

Feline who likes physical affection

Without a doubt,  your feline doesn’t behave that way because he doesn’t love you, but because he doesn’t understand your attitude as a sign of affection. This gesture makes him feel trapped, as he cannot move freely.

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