5 Tips For Traveling By Plane With Your Pet

5 tips for traveling by plane with your pet

If you need to travel by plane with your pet, find out in advance about all the requirements and, above all, try to make the experience as less traumatic and stressful as possible for him. In this article, we’ll give you some tips. 

What you should consider when traveling by air with your pet

To avoid unpleasant surprises and last-minute unforeseen events, it is very important to be informed in advance about the main steps to be taken before getting on a plane with your furry one. Below, we list some of them.

1 – Find out about the requirements

dog travels by car

It doesn’t matter if it’s on domestic or international flights, there are certain rules that must be followed when traveling with your pet. That’s why it’s important that you find out, for example:

  • The necessary documentation (identification, vaccinations, medical reports etc).
  • The regulations of other countries to enter with animals.
  • Options for transporting your furry (cabin, luggage compartment, what types of cages are allowed at home, etc.).
  • How far in advance the tickets must be purchased (note that, generally, each flight has a quota for transporting animals).

2 – See a veterinarian

Ask your veterinarian for advice on how best to travel by plane with your furry friend. It is important that the professional first assess whether the animal is able to embark on such an adventure, for reasons of age or health. Also ask him whether or not it is necessary to give him some tranquilizer.

3 – Get the dog used to the transport box in which he will travel

Don’t try to get your dog into the carrier at the last second before travel. Try to get him to get used to it little by little, using rewards and toys. This way you will be able to ensure that the moment of the trip does not cause even more stress for him. It’s already a strange situation and noisy enough for the pet to be at an airport or inside an aircraft about to take off.

4 – Do not feed him before boarding the plane

The ideal is that the animal boards fasting for 6 to 8 hours to avoid vomiting during the flight. Yes, he must stay hydrated. Also, make sure he has cleaned up before boarding. It is also convenient that you have taken a good walk with him before the trip to make him more relaxed.

5 – keep calm

If you don’t like to fly or are worried about your pet, he’ll certainly notice your mood and be nervous too. So stay calm and you’ll get both of you to handle this situation better.

Useful information when traveling by plane with your pet

muzzled dog

Keep an eye out for the following information, which may be helpful when flying your furry:

  • Assistance dogs may travel in the passenger cabin with their owners without any weight or size restrictions.
  • The animal’s transport box must have the specified measures, adequate closure, correct air circulation and a floor with absorption capacity. In addition, your pet must be properly identified.
  • Notify the plane’s crew that you are traveling with an animal.
  • Look for a nonstop flight.
  • The furry collar must not be inside the cage, as this can cause accidents.

Don’t worry, the aircraft’s luggage compartment is also pressurized. Once you relax, enjoy the flying experience.

Once on dry land, take your animal to relieve itself and stretch its legs in a safe place. And don’t forget to congratulate him and offer him rewards for behaving well during the flight.

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