In Your Little Hearts, There Is Room For Big Feelings

In your little hearts, there's room for big feelings

Having a pet is having a friend, a sports partner, a comfort in your tears, a companion in your illness, someone who will make you laugh and teach you to love. Many people even say the phrase “The more I know people, the more I love animals”

Unlike humans, our pets have no place in their hearts for bad feelings like anger, resentment or selfishness. Your little hearts are full of good feelings.

Certainly, living in a world lacking in love and other good qualities, It is to be thankful to be able to be with someone who, despite having one of the smallest hearts, demonstrates this and other good feelings , even though one is just an animal.

What feelings are there in your hearts?


child kissing cat

Yes, I already know you’re thinking your dog doesn’t want to share anything with anyone. Well, it’s perfectly normal that he doesn’t want to see his food, water and toys with other dogs or strangers. Would you lend your car to someone you don’t know? Of course not! But when did your dog deny you anything?

Furthermore, generosity is not just about material possessions, but about time, energy, and everything one has on hand that one can share with others. Isn’t that what your pet does to you? Of course yes!


Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is not easy. Nevertheless, many people have the ability to do so. The little hearts of our pets are perfectly capable of developing this ability.

Empathy, however, goes beyond simply feeling pity or imagining how the other feels . It always comes with attitudes. It is necessary to want to do something to help that person. And that’s what your dog has been doing in all the time you’ve shared. He will comfort you when he sees you crying, sit beside you on the bed when you are sick, jump around to make you laugh when he is angry, or ask for caresses when he is stressed.


It doesn’t matter how you talked to him, it doesn’t matter if you slapped him for something bad he did or if you told him to leave because it demanded your attention and you weren’t in the mood. He will always answer your call and everything will be forgotten in less than a minute . And do you know why? For love.


dog and person

No doubt, love is the greatest feeling that animals have in their little hearts . It should be the engine that drives the world. But unfortunately it was put aside in exchange for the money.

However, animals do not understand coins, bills or ambitions. They are only concerned with responding to the love that is given to them , thanking for the care offered, loving unconditionally until death, his or her owner.


Have you ever noticed the patience your dog shows when he is surrounded by small children? They can climb on top of him, grab his tail or ears or force him to open his mouth, he doesn’t do anything, he just lets the kids have fun. They can spend hours or entire nights under a baby’s crib, protecting and caring for him. .

These are some of the demonstrations of good feelings that our pets carry in their hearts. No doubt, this analysis motivates us to examine ourselves and think about developing these qualities ourselves. . How sad to know that animals have these feelings are beautiful in their hearts, while there are people unable to show even one of them

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