Border Collie Professional Training

The best time to start training this dog is from three to six months of age. Exercises like agility and canicross are ideal sports to increase their lung capacity and endurance.
Border Collie Professional Training

The Border Collie is one of the most popular breeds among pets, with one of the most prominent intelligences and a great ability to perform various tasks of various types. Therefore, professional border collie training can start very early.

To make the most of the attributes of this breed, it is ideal to provide adequate training that meets your needs. That’s why we’re going to talk a little bit about professional border collie training.

To begin

Keep in mind that  the best stage for training our dog starts when he is between three and six months old. The reason for this is that your brain is already sufficiently developed to understand the different orders we will teach you in the coming months.

Also, watch your pet’s behavior. It is important to recognize whether your partner has a dominant or submissive attitude,  as this can influence the results of the trainings and orders you want to teach.

If you’ve trained a dog before, it’s best to apply the same principles you’ve already applied to another pet. In other words, reinforce the aspects that consider your weaknesses as coaches and eliminate those attitudes that have negative consequences.

Border Collie licking girl face

Also remember to  use the   most appropriate items to train this breed, according to the activity you want the animal to perform. For example, a  clicker  for obedience exercises or a strap with a suitable length for  canicross .

starting exercises

The Border Collie,  being very intelligent, is able to understand many things we ask for. Therefore, it is essential to start correcting inappropriate attitudes that the animal may have from the beginning.

What  is called the exercise of obedience ? For example, respond properly to your call, stop jumping on people when you meet them… for dogs,  command voices  are used to  indicate what is right or wrong.

Remember that if you train a puppy,  the animal will be constantly learning from you.  Therefore, you could accidentally teach inappropriate behavior without knowing it. It’s best to teach things one by one so they don’t get confused  and also to keep your dog from getting stressed out, which can ruin the session.

Think about the type of activity

We are referring to the sport you want your border collie to perform with grace and agility. It is necessary that the exercises you want to teach him are aimed at reinforcing these important areas of the sport.

That is,  for sports like  agility  and  canicross,  exercises to strengthen  your partner’s lung capacity and endurance are vital. Their goal is to prevent the dog from getting too tired.

Agility Border Collie

Be  consistent with your training, the key to achieving the goals of these exercises is that they are performed daily. This way, you don’t overload him with intensity, which only stresses your dog and causes him to develop inappropriate behaviors.

Take advantage of your remarkable intelligence.  Play with him  search,  a very good activity to mentally challenge him and reinforce his skills to search for things. Likewise, it  is important to constantly stimulate your mind with intelligence games.

Professional training of the border collie according to age

Each stage of the animal’s life has an ideal time to teach them tricks in a simpler way.  The reason for this lies in his ability to understand what we want and what interests him most, according to his age.

For example,  a puppy is trained to learn the basic lessons, ; like sitting, lying down and, in some cases, standing still. These commands serve to give him a minimal education, so that he can behave properly.

From four or five months, the animal is able to learn more complex actions ,  such as rolling, jumping, and even learning to bark under your command, as well as doing its own needs on the street instead of at home.

After the first year of age, professional border collie training is at your discretion, because  the animal will be trained to learn anything. Keep in mind that each dog has a  particular personality that may or may not affect the results of teaching.

And don’t forget about positive reinforcement when you want to teach him something. Words like “good boy, very good” bring great benefits, in addition to giving him an award at every successful session.

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