Things That Make Cats Afraid

We have often seen how our cat has an incomprehensible fear of something. In this article, we’ll talk about the most common ones so you can avoid them. 
Things that make cats afraid

Cats are very independent animals and seem very sure of themselves, but the truth is they are afraid of many things. 

Today, we want to talk to you about things that make cats afraid and how to avoid them. There are many who know some of their fears and use them as a joke, which seems cruel to us and we ask them not to.

what cats are afraid of

Many of the things on this list may surprise you, but it has been proven that they are indeed the terror of cats. Who knew that animals that climb and jump from trees would be afraid of such simple things?


You’ve certainly seen many videos in which a cat  is terrified of a cucumber. We’re not quite sure why, but some cats are afraid of the vegetable. These funny looking videos are just proof of what we mentioned earlier.

The owners of these cats that appear in the videos make them suffer without any justification, just to laugh at them. Do you think this is fair?

Neither do we, so you better not watch them. It would be a good way to contribute our grain of sand to this bad joke.


scared black cat

There is nothing that looks scarier to a cat than a balloon. Maybe it’s your movement that frightens or terrifies you, or that can take your space, but if you get closer to him, you’ll see his panicked face. Much more if he dares to scratch it and the balloon pops; then the dread comes to the fore.


A myth to be sure, but it’s been proven. Although there are exceptions and sometimes we have seen some kittens enjoy a relaxing bath, as a rule cats are afraid of water.

And we’re not just talking about domestic cats, but wild cats, including the king of the jungle, the lion! Who would say!

It could be the change in temperature that frightens them, or the composition of the liquid that comes in contact with their skin and triggers a feeling they don’t like, but the truth is, a cat runs away from water as much as it can.

Vacuum cleaners

You’ve probably seen your dog run when you turned on the vacuum cleaner. Well, the same will happen with your cat.

They can’t stand the noises either,  and if they see that the machine making the noise they fear can absorb them, it’s better to run, just in case.

Hair dryer

This one doesn’t suck, but they don’t know it, so why take a chance? Also, the wind they blow bothers them a lot, so don’t play with your cat, however tempting it may seem.


scared cat

 Strangers are generally not something that cats like. As always, there will be exceptions, but most likely, however affectionate or sociable your cat may be, he won’t rush to greet someone he doesn’t know.

Don’t take it personally if you’re visiting a friend with a cat and they don’t want to “talk” to you.


Yes that’s right. Socks are terrifying to cats. This is an inexplicable fact, but they panic.

loud noises

Cats’ ears are very sensitive, as in the case of dogs, so sounds like ambulance sirens, fireworks and others are a source of terror for them. Prevent your cat from being exposed to this.

Taking care of our pet and protecting it is our responsibility. Don’t forget to try to avoid all those objects that sow terror among cats and keep your cat happy and balanced.

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