How To Make A Home For Guinea Pigs

How to make a home for guinea pigs

The guinea pig is also known as the guinea pig. If you have chosen a guinea pig as a pet, you must know how to take care of it so that it has a happy and healthy life. Guinea pigs are small rodents, calm and graceful. These pets are small, friendly and, to feel happy, they need a suitable habitat.

If you have a guinea pig at home, you must adapt a space so that it can live in a healthy way. In this article, we provide some suggestions that are easy to follow.

So, what are you waiting for? Build a suitable place for your pet.

What do you need to know

Choose a large, spacious place to build your guinea pig’s house. Remember that they are very active and need a lot of space to be happy.

A surface of 4 meters is enough for the animal to feel comfortable, but if you have a bigger space it’s even better; as she will be able to run and play without difficulty.

In case you buy more than one guinea pig, remember that the space for each animal is 4 meters. Do not try to place more than one animal in this space as it can significantly affect its health.

The space to house your animal must have light and ventilation. The walls shouldn’t be too high; they should be tall enough so that they don’t escape.

You can buy a large cage at a pet store, or build a space for it if you have a patio in your home.

Another possibility is to use a piece of furniture that you have at home and no longer use. If the furniture has drawers, you can remove them and build ramps out of wood and close with glass panels.

Areas for guinea pigs

If you have already decided where to place your pet’s house, you should make a space division.

One area to highlight is the bathroom; the hygienic material you are going to use is very important. There are a wide variety of options; one of the best is press paper .

Never use cat litter, this can harm the animal’s skin and respiratory system.

Another important area is the food court. Put a drinking bowl, a bowl and some alfalfa or hay; they like it a lot.

Do not buy the plastic water cooler and bowl. It’s best to choose utensils that can be hung on the wall; are more practical and prevent spillage.

The bath and food area should be washed at least once a week.  This way, the animal will not get sick.

The play area is very important. They love to play, they are active and playful creatures. In this area, we can put tunnels, platforms or ramps, build a swing and a bridge with some wooden planks.

Guinea pigs are animals that like hiding places. Your home should be a place to sleep, play and feel safe.

One option is to build a small cave. Use some hay for the ground and some wooden sticks about a foot long for the roof.

Another option is to build a shelter out of small cardboard or newspaper boxes. Use your imagination and creativity. If you don’t have free time, you can find a wide variety of options in pet shops.

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