A Child Sells His Scooter To Buy Medicine For A Stray Dog

A child sells his scooter to buy medicine for a stray dog

Children and pets have a very special relationship. In addition to the friendship and jokes between them, which really move us, there are also stories that are worth telling. Like, for example, this child who sold his scooter to buy medicine for a stray dog.

A child buys medicine for a stray dog

The story of this article takes place in the Province of Mendoza, in southern Argentina. Mauco is a 9-year-old boy who, while playing in the street, found a stray dog. So he took him home to give him food and shelter. He named him “Rocko”.

The little one lived alone with his mother and did not have many resources. So Mauco was sad when the lady told him that she didn’t have enough money to pay for the medicine of his new friend, who had leg injuries.

The child did not give up and found the solution to help his puppy. When he came home from school after going to the vet, he asked his mother, Laura, to lend him her Facebook account. Soon, I would put a post, saying the following:

“Hello, I’m Mauco, son of Laura. She lent me her Facebook account because I don’t have any money. Look at this little dog I found on the street, he’s sick and has a broken leg. We feed him and bathe him, but he needs medicine. I’m selling my scooter so I can take it to the vet. If anyone is interested, leave your number here and my mom will call you back. Thanks”.

What Mauco never imagined was that many people saw the message, posted it on their murals and that it would receive so much support. Thanks to the help of strangers, the dog was attended to in time and was able to save his paw. And besides, the kid didn’t have to sell his scooter to get the money.

Ken, the child who founded a dog shelter


Source: trome.pe

Mauco’s story is not the only one we will tell in this article. There are many more that fill our souls and make us believe in the solidarity of children. In this case, we’ll tell you about Ken, a short boy who, at just 9 years old, managed to start his own shelter for stray dogs in the Philippines.

With the help of his father and some donors with whom he communicated on the internet, this little boy made his dream come true, he managed to bring homeless dogs home . A few months ago, Ken helped all the animals he saw on the street. I spent time with them, fed them and even petted them.

The child’s father took a picture of him with the stray dogs and posted it on the internet to raise money. People from all over the world started to help him. They received high quality canned food. Also, some veterinarians offered to see them for free. So, with the money from the donations, they built a temporary shelter for the three animals, whom he named Brownie, Blackie and White Puppy.

In the garage at home, “The Happy Animals Club” began to work. The dogs were recovering and their wounds were healing. Shortly thereafter, he was able to sign a one-year contract in the space close to his house so that the animals could live better.

The non-profit animal shelter will be up and running soon. Ken proudly shows off photos of his dogs and the advancement of the home they are building for the pets. In addition, he said that he received help from all over the world, such as a soldier who donated money in memory of his dog who died at 14 years of age. And also from a group of students from the United States who collected money to send to the Happy Animals Club.

Image source: okchicas.com and trome.pe

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