Pets Help Us Live Longer

The animals’ dynamism, their loyalty and affection contribute to a greater physical and mental well-being throughout life.
Pets help us live longer

That pets bring great benefits to our lives is something we’ve mentioned many times before; but we cannot fail to repeat this and include a longer life expectancy. Why do we say this? Well, because  pets help us live longer! Next, we’ll tell you all about it!

Pets help us live longer…

Let’s feel less stressed

Several studies have proven that living with pets reduces stress and that, when faced with problems or situations that cause it,  people who live with a pet recover more easily and quickly.

On the other hand, living with a pet helps us to live longer and also to combat stress at work, as a study by the University of Virginia showed. Taking a pet to work has been proven to reduce stress hormones.

let’s avoid loneliness

While loneliness is not deadly, yes, there have been cases of elderly people who have lost their spouses and died soon after. Many attribute this to the fact that forced loneliness is harmful to the heart and our health.

Pets help us live longer

Owning a pet will  prevent health problems  caused by loneliness. Although it is not possible to actually “talk” with a pet, it is a being full of empathy that will do anything to make us happy.

Let’s reduce the risk of disease

Many doctors and scientists have proven that having a pet is good for the heart, asthma and other respiratory ailments. They claim that  children who grow up with pets are less prone to asthma and allergies ; therefore, there are benefits for people of all ages.

For example, a study that followed the health of a total of 4435 people for over 10 years proved that  people who lived with a cat or dog were 40% less likely to suffer from heart disease than those without a pet in the home. .

Regardless of whether we have a dog or a cat, even if we have had a heart attack, we are more likely to fully recover if we have a furry friend.

It seems that  the affection, unconditional love and loyalty that these animals offer us helps to lift our spirits and gives us the strength to move forward.

Also, how a pet depends on us; our subconscious forces our body to recover beforehand to take care of it. In addition, the walks that our animal requires, as well as the moments of play, force us to make an extra effort  that, in almost all occasions, is essential for our recovery.

Pets help us live longer and exercise

We all know how exercise is beneficial to our bodies; but few of us are willing to do it. Having a pet is a big incentive for this, because it will need to run, play and take a walk  and, of course, it will be up to us to do so.

woman running with dog

As we help him calm these instincts, he “forces” us to abandon a sedentary lifestyle; which can harm our health more severely than we think.

Having a pet is a big responsibility. However, when we meditate on all that he can offer us; we realize that it’s so much more than we can give him.

Pets help us live longer and improve our health, thanks to the unconditional love and  loyalty  they give us. This is something we can’t pay for or thank enough for.

Take good care of your pet, because without you realizing it, it takes care of you and, therefore, it deserves no less than your attention, protection and care.

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