Watching Dog Fighting Is Now Illegal In The US

Watching dog fighting is now illegal in the US

With the approval of a new agricultural law in the United States, it becomes illegal to watch dogs and other animals fight . However, despite all restrictions, this illegal and brutal business continues to take place in much of the US territory.

A law to discourage dog fighting

The law, known as the Farm Bill, regulates various aspects of raising and managing domestic animals.

While the organization of dog and other animal fights was already classified as a federal crime. , with the new law it is also considered illegal to attend and take minors under 16 years of age to these meetings.

Democratic senator from the state of Washington, MarĂ­a Cantwell, was the prosecutor of the bill and worked tirelessly to get it passed. For his efforts, he received a tribute from the Humane Society of the United States.

A growing illegal business

Author: Mekanoid

Despite advances in legislative issues, dog fighting remains a lucrative business , mainly in the southern and eastern states of the US territory.

Regrettably, is a growing trend, as it is a practice that has become popular in gang culture. .

These groups are true fraternities, whose steps are difficult to trace, favored by the advantages of mobile telephony and the internet . Thus, they mark fights and summon players through encrypted messages in forums or chats.

In addition, the animal fighting industry is associated with the trafficking and smuggling of:

exotic and domestic animals



The cruel fate of some fighting dogs

The dogs mostly used for this cruel and violent activity are known as fighting dogs. .

They are strong, athletic and muscular animals, with powerful bites. Among them are:

  • Pit Bull Terrier;
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier;
  • American Staffordshire;
  • Argentine Dogo;
  • Fila Brasileiro;
  • Tosa Inu;
  • Akita Inu;
  • Rottewiler.

How Fighting Dogs Are Trained

The training received by the dogs that fall into the hands of these criminals is brutal , seeking their physical strength and emotional weakness in various ways, all brutal. For example:

  • They are kept trapped and hungry;
  • They are forced to run on mats, using other animals as bait;
  • They are hung by the jaws to strengthen your bite.

Furthermore, dogs are constantly tortured and even drugged to increase their ferocity. . Many “trainers” cut their ears so their opponents don’t bite them, sharpen their teeth to cause more serious injuries, and also apply steroids.

Rescue of survivors

Author: Jan Truter

Organized fights are, for the most part, kill or die.

Animals that survive dog fights and are not executed for their sleep end up abandoned and mistreated in the streets . And as they have not received any kind of affection throughout their lives, they are difficult to socialize.

However, as the breed does not determine the aggressiveness of a dog, from the shelters it is guaranteed that they can, as soon as possible, return to a normal life with a family. that he loves them and allows them to forget the terrible past.

That the laws be applied

We hope that the existence of increasingly specific regulations will allow us to act with more rigor and efficiency to end this real crime of using animals in the illegal fighting business.

Although it is difficult to dismantle networks that operate underground, tolerance should be zero for this kind of heinous crime against animals , who are at the mercy of the brutality of some humans.

Meanwhile, his innocent victims continue their ordeal, unable to defend themselves from what is supposed to be their best friend and has become their executioner.

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