The American Pitbull Terrier, An Athletic Dog

The American Pitbull Terrier, An Athletic Dog

The American Pitbull Terrier dog breed , originally from the United States, is descended  from the original English Bulldog. It is a very faithful and child-friendly breed, and stands out in sports for its agility and obedience.

The antecedents of the Bull Terrier breed are located in England, in the beginning of the 19th century. This type of dog was used to chase bulls. Over time, his inclusion in this type of activities was prohibited and he began to be domesticated.

Quickly, the breed developed a great reputation as a strong dog, gentle protector and familiar.

In America, the breed developed to a larger size and was used on farms. There, his work included hunting wild animals.

In the mid-19th century, they began to be used as domestic animals, with great presence in sports competitions.


With a short, dark coat, the American Pitt Pull Terrier is an elegant and athletic dog. Medium sized, he is an animal that does not need much care, apart from the necessary requirements such as weekly bathing and brushing teeth, twice or three times a week, to eliminate the accumulation of tartar and bacteria.

But if possible, brushing them daily is much better, this way gum disease and bad breath are avoided.

If you have an American Pitbull Terrier it is also recommended that your nails be trimmed once or twice a month. If you have a lack of experience in trimming dog nails, call a veterinarian who can do the job.

American Pitbull Terrier Dog


An American Pitbull Terrier dog is dedicated and loyal to its owners and, if necessary, will defend them to the death. They are very smart and learn tricks very easily.

They maintain a puppy attitude into adulthood. They are dogs that require a lot of attention from their owners and from an early age they must be trained and socialized to overcome the tendencies that this breed has for stubbornness and authoritarianism which, combined with their strength, can become difficult to manage if they have not learned. that you are the boss.

It is advisable for your American Pitbull Terrier to keep a leash to avoid aggression with other dogs. It’s not a good idea to let these dogs roam free in parks,  as if they start a fight, they’ll fight until the end.

Therefore, to avoid aggressive behavior, it is advisable that from puppies, they are properly socialized.

American Pitbull Terrier dogs also tend to have a great need to chew  and their powerful jaws can destroy some of their toys in just two seconds. Therefore, choose durable toys recommended for your breed.

Robust, energetic and tolerant make this breed of dog the ideal playmate. But remember that no dog, no matter how big, should be left alone with children without adult supervision.

Nor should the little ones be allowed to pull their ears or tail. If you have children, they should be taught not to be afraid of dogs, but that they have to be respected like any other living thing.


The American Pit Bull Terriers are generally healthy dogs, but like all breeds, are prone to certain health conditions, such as can be hip dysplasia, allergies, hypothyroidism and heart disease.

An American Pitbull Terrier dog needs at least one hour of walking per day. If you can’t  afford this exercise time, hire someone to help you,  as these animals need to expend energy.

On the other hand, don’t leave this type of animal too long outdoors. They usually suffer a lot from the cold.

To feed an American Pitbull Terrier, a strict and nutritious diet must be followed. The recommended amount is 1.5 to 2.5 cups of high quality dry food per day, divided into two meals.

To avoid obesity it is recommended to measure your dog’s food and give meals at the right times of the day. If your pet’s ribs are buried under rolls of fat, your dog will urgently need to go on a diet.

See your veterinarian so that he can make a food plan according to your dog’s needs.

Feeding the American Pitbull Terrier

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