Shorthair Cat Breeds

Shorthair cat breeds

If you are looking for an ideal pet and want a companion that doesn’t need as much care or attention, short-haired cats are undoubtedly an excellent option. Due to their independence, felines are perfect for people who don’t stay at home too long. And to that we can add the fact that some breeds do not demand excessive care from the owner, they are perfect. Learn more in the following article.

How many shorthaired cat breeds are there?

Among the approximately 25 breeds of short-haired cats, let’s address some of them:

1. Russian blue cat

Medium sized and short fur (two layers of fur) and silver in color, it is a cat that distinguishes itself from the others for its intelligence and affection. He loves contact with people, has big ears, prominent mustaches, and doesn’t form fur balls. This breed arose in the north of the Russia and it is one of the oldest.

russian blue cat

2. Bengal cat

This hybrid feline was created by crossing a domestic cat with a leopard in the United States. It’s like having a wild cat, but small, at home, because of the brindle coat. This animal is muscular and robust, with a thick tail, small ears and a short, thick and soft coat, in addition to being a great swimmer, a rare quality when talking about a cat. May exhibit hyperactive and playful behavior.

3. Devon Rex Cat

It is another of the cat breeds with short fur, but in this case with soft, wavy fur. It appeared in the English city of Devon , has big ears, rounded eyes and small head. It is an affectionate pet that emits a soft meow. It is always vigilant and alert. Its coat is usually yellow in color.

4. Manx Cat

One of the qualities of this breed is that it does not have a tail (it only has a small tail glued to its back) due to a natural mutation. This cat from the Isle of Man (Great Britain) was very popular three hundred years ago. It usually has a white coat with black, gray or brown spots.

He prefers quiet surroundings, is not shy at all, likes to receive attention from the owners and adapts without problems to any familiar environment. If you can go outside, they’ll go out to show off their hunting instincts.

5. Ocicat Cat


Its name derives from “Ocelot” (Ocelot) and “Cat (cat)”, as it has a short mottled coat, like this wild feline. The breed emerged in the United States after a cross between a Siamese cat and a Siamese-Abyssinian cat. It is not very common in Europe and it is a pet strong , wild in appearance, prominent snout, large ears, muscular paws and long, slender tail.

The Ocicat is playful, curious, active and domineering in relation to other cats. The coat does not require much care, as it is only necessary to brush it regularly.

6. Chartreux cat

The original name is Carthusian, and is a cat originating in France, although its ancestors are from Turkey and Iran; with coppery or orange eyes and bluish fur. Chartreux is a very popular cat in France and is very similar to the Russian blue cat. It is a calm animal, silent, reserved, loyal to its owners, playful and very curious. His favorite hobby is sleeping.

7. Japanese Bobtail Cat

Another of the short-haired cat breeds that stands out for its small tail similar to a rabbit . Iconic in Japanese folklore, they are very popular throughout the Southeast Asia region. Its coat is soft, smooth and silky, slightly wavy at the ends. This feline is very active, outgoing, curious and loves to explore all things at night, but he doesn’t like solitude.

cornish rex cat

8. Cornish Rex Cat

Originally from Cornwall (in the southwestern region of England), this cat is elegant and slender looking, although very muscular. It is covered in a soft wavy coat, is of medium size, large round ears, light and medium-sized eyes, a fine tail and the coat can be of all colors.

Other short-haired cats are the cat. Abyssinian , british, european burmese, burmilla, german rex, korat, egyptian mau, sokoke and the singapore.

Main image source: Clarisse VINOT

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