Adopt A Retired Police Dog

Adopt a Retired Police Dog

You’ve certainly read or seen a story about a trained dog who receives awards for his work in a war, an expedition, or an anti-drug operation. When these animals reach a certain number of years, they leave the service and many of their colleagues take them home. But that doesn’t happen with everyone. Therefore, an association encourages the population to adopt a retired police dog.

Retired Heroes Search for a New Home: Bring a Retired Dog

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Source: 4-legged Heroes Facebook

The association “Héroes de 4 Patas” launched a new campaign in Madrid. It serves to encourage residents to take in animals that have served in the Police, for example. According to the president of the Madrid Community, Cristina Cifuentes, those people who adopt a retired puppy will receive much more than they imagine. The representative supports the cause and indicates that it is “fair and solidary”.

Dogs working with State security forces and bodies, as well as the Emergency Services, look for survivors in disasters. In addition, they fight against human trafficking, terrorism and drugs.

After their retirement (approximately the animal is 10 years old), they need to be adopted by some family. But, they do not always get people willing to receive an elderly pet at home. In most cases, it is the same human colleagues who take care of them in their last years of life.

Since its foundation two years ago, the Associação Héroes de 4 Paws has managed to provide a home for 100 retired police dogs. Every day, they work hard to bring dogs and families together. In addition, they receive help from those who worked with the animals. If they can’t keep him at home, they do their best to find a home for their old colleagues.

As Cifuentes pointed out, a dog is not a work tool that, after fulfilling its purpose, can be kept in a warehouse. These animals demand affection, food and care. We must remember that they have a past full of sacrifices. Without a doubt, they deserve the best in this new phase of their lives.

The 4 Paw Heroes Association to adopt a retired dog

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This foundation works with the Civil Guard to find a home for those dogs that cannot be installed in the homes of their fellow humans. Thanks to the Association and the Cynological Service, retired Police animals are adopted by families after being evaluated.

According to what the Association’s website indicates, the working life of dogs is around 9 years. When their abilities start to wane, they retire. Or, when they cannot perform their duties, they are retired. In addition, it can happen to young animals that after being trained, do not have the skills required for the job.

The association Héroes de 4 Patas has set up a nationwide network to cross the paths of retired Police dogs with families interested in taking care of them, in the years they have left. The requirements that applicants must meet is to be supportive and committed people, who understand the needs of an adult pet: tranquility, warmth, a good bed and lots of love.

The adoption process is more than meticulous, as it tries to unite a faithful pet with a suitable family or person. The character of the animal and the characteristics of the possible adopters are taken into account. After granting custody of the dog, the specialists are in charge of advising them and carrying out follow-up.

The Association is available to all Canine Units, regardless of which force or entity they belong to : Forces and Security Corps (State, Local or Autonomous), Civil Protection, Firefighters, Private Security, military, canine service companies, etc. .

If you are interested in adopting a retired dog, you can contact them or a police station near your home.

Images source: 4 Paw Heroes Facebook

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