Spiders At Home: Tips To Avoid Them

Spiders at home: tips to avoid them

It is recommended to avoid pesticides and other chemicals that could affect the health of your family and your pet. Next, we’ll tell you how to  avoid the appearance of spiders at home with some simple and homemade “tricks”.

Spiders generally prefer to live in their natural habitat, where they find the best conditions for their development. However,  some may find a warm and safe “shelter” within our homes.

Before starting, we should point out that spiders in the home are almost always beneficial to a vegetable garden or garden.  Their habits and natural diet are excellent allies in controlling insects and pests.

It is noteworthy that most species of spiders that we see in our homes are generally harmless, not carrying venom.  However, when the presence of cobwebs in the home provokes negative feelings, we can resort to home remedies and improved hygiene.

Avoid spiders at home: take care of home hygiene

As we see, spiders enter places looking for a safe and peaceful hiding place. They usually settle in the darkest and least ventilated corners of the house, where there is little human intervention.

spider making web

Therefore, the first and most important preventive measure to avoid spiders at home is to adopt strong hygiene habits.  Initially, we should clean every corner of the house, including the roof, at least twice a week.

It is recommended to install screens on the fireplace, windows and doors that face the outside.  It is also important to ensure that the house does not have small holes or fissures that spiders can enter.

Spiders at home: avoid them

Finally, we must avoid the accumulation of wood inside and around the house.  Another important issue is not having very dense vegetation near windows and doors.

How to avoid spiders at home

Pesticides harm our health, threaten the well-being of our animals and plants, and unbalance the ecosystem.  We should always opt for home remedies and non-invasive methods to keep spiders and insects out of our home. There are many homegrown solutions and safe methods to fight these visitors.

Eucalyptus or Mint Oil

Spraying our house with eucalyptus or mint oil every day helps to prevent spiders from entering.  Remember to spray mainly on outside windows and doors. You can find eucalyptus or mint oil in most health food and health food stores.

spider on flower

It is essential to always check if any family member is allergic before applying any product in the home.  Just consult a doctor to find out about the different allergy tests for children and adults.

Infrasound Devices

Currently, we can find on the market several infrasound devices that are effective in combating rats, different types of spiders and insects.  Just connect them in the house so that the wave emissions keep away possible invaders.

Spiders at home and tips to avoid them

Infrasound vibrations do not interfere with human hearing and generally do not disturb dogs and cats.  However, if our pet is bothered by the device, it is best to unplug it and consult a veterinarian.

Citrus rind, oil or fragrance

The aroma of citrus fruits often causes strong repulsion in the spider.  Therefore, we can use fresh natural peels, oils or citrus fragrances to avoid them at home. If we have pets, we must be careful not to lick industrialized fragrances.


The strong aroma of tobacco is also effective in expelling spiders,  moths and many insects. Just spread tobacco leaves in the corners of the house to prevent them from making their webs. However, this method should be avoided if we have pets, as the risk of ingesting tobacco is very high.


Vinegar is a great ally for home hygiene and also for our health. Its aromatic and antiseptic properties allow our house to be free from pathogenic microorganisms and insects.  To make natural remedies with vinegar, mix equal amounts of vinegar and water and spray all over the house.

The cats

While it sounds surprising, cats are excellent allies for avoiding spiders at home.  The simple natural scent of kittens is enough to scare away rats, insects and spiders.

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