How Often Should A Cat Bathe?

How often should a cat bathe?

Cats are known for their constant and systematic hygiene. They can complete this task very successfully using only their tongue, which has very fine filaments that act like a brush. However, even so, we must sanitize it. Find out today how often a cat should bathe.

Cats are also known for not liking water, but this peculiar trait has a reason. The skin of these animals is very sensitive to touch, and therefore it can be affected by the temperature of the water. For these reasons, it is recommended to bathe a cat in warm water, to achieve greater acceptance by the furry one.

Before, it was common to say that it was not advisable to bathe cats. However, experts have proven that bathing is not a danger to the pussy. The problem is getting him used to it.

Bathing a cat from an early age

If we teach the cat to bathe as soon as its socialization phase begins (between 2 and 3 months of age), it won’t be as bothered next time.

Breeds more likely to tolerate bathing

The only cat that tolerates water without much resistance is the Van Turco. This breed usually has a very positive attitude towards bathing. Other breeds, no matter how tame, can get aggressive during a shower, unless they’re used to it.

Another reason not to overuse bathing felines is that they can lose the natural oils in their skin, which serve as natural protection. These substances are necessary to maintain the animal’s health.

bath frequency

Experts do not recommend bathing the cat continuously. Unless it is extremely necessary, as in cases where the animal has been soiled with toxic products, bathing is not a reason for urgency.

In other situations,  as long as the cat is healthy and its coat is in good condition, daily hygiene using licks will be enough.

Some experts recommend bathing a cat every 5 to 6 months. Others advise doing this every 5 weeks. But the time between one bath and another is directly proportional to the reaction of the animal ‘s skin and coat.

bath time

It is recommended to wear gardening gloves when bathing a cat. Thus, we will be able to protect our hands from possible aggressions against us during the bath. In addition, gloves help us maintain better control over the feline.

Other important recommendations

  • Place a non-slip cloth or mat on the floor so the cat can sink its claws and cannot harm itself or us. We will also prevent you from slipping easily and getting scared, which will only bring more problems at bath time.
  • You must be very careful so that water does not enter the cat’s ears. For this we can use ear plugs. Another tip is to use a bucket or hose to have more control when wetting the pussy.
  • When starting the hygiene ritual, we must be calm, as our emotions during the procedure are transmitted to the cat.
  • It’s a good idea to trim your cat’s nails before starting the bathing process. This will reduce the risk of damage to ourselves and to the animal itself.
  • We must put the cat in the bathtub very carefully. The best way to do this is with your right hand on the back of your head and your left hand on your torso. All this keeping a distance from the animal, to avoid scratches. Then, release the feline little by little, with very subtle movements, on the floor of the box or bathtub.
  • We will let the animal get used to the surroundings before starting to bathe. That way, he will have more confidence and remain calmer.
  • It is recommended to use a special shampoo for the cat’s coat, as each type has a specialized product. We cannot use shampoos for dogs or people on felines. If necessary, we will use a mild soap. However, this product can cause certain side effects such as irritation, hair loss and itching.
  • It is recommended to give some kind of reward to the cat after bathing. That way he will associate bath time as a positive experience and we will be able to wash him more often. The reward can be a treat, the healthier the better.

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