5 Signs You Should Recognize In Your Dog

5 Signs You Should Recognize in Your Dog

Love and care  for  your dog also means that you have learned to recognize the reasons for some of his actions and  behaviors. Remember that sometimes certain attitudes that can be  funny  on the furry are actually indicating that something isn’t working very well. Know how to recognize these signs that indicate a request for help.

  1. The dog drags its hindquarters along the ground

field dogs

Author: myri_bonnie

Chances are, if the animal rubs its butt on the floor, it’s just poop and it’s cleaning up some of the debris. However,  if this becomes a repetitive action and is accompanied by, for example, a constant licking of the area, there  is  certainly an inflammation or infection of the anal glands there.  This circumstance usually makes him feel itchy and painful.

These two small glands, also called anal sacs, are found on both sides of the anus and are the ones that produce a characteristic odor  that serves for the furry ones to identify and communicate. It is for this reason that dogs  smell  the area and its feces.

When these bags are blocked and the dog cannot, on its own, remove the brown or yellowish liquid, your dog will surely start what you might think is a comedy show: dragging his butt across the floor.

So,  instead of laughing or recording your grace and sharing on social media, it  ‘s  better to go to the  vet to empty your furry anal sacs.

  1. The animal persistently chases the tail

Who has not had fun watching a dog trying to catch its own tail ?

In these cases, you also need to pay attention. When things happen normally, in their fair measure, it can be nothing strange.

The problem occurs when the action becomes compulsive. And when a dog chases its tail permanently, it’s very likely that it’s developing stereotyped behavior.

This  is usually caused by boredom, anxiety and stress.  And this happens in animals that don’t get enough stimulation and spend a lot of time alone, or that are locked up for a long time.

It can also happen that a dog that wants to  grab its tail is suffering a little pain in the spine or that it is having a  dermatological problem. The veterinarian is the one who can make a correct diagnosis and initiate treatment.

  1. The dog rubs its muzzle, another of the signs that indicate a request for help from its furry

If a dog repeatedly rubs his face against anything in his path, it is not a sign that he is comfortable, but another cause for  alarm.

Perhaps the animal is suffering  from  an eye or ear infection. Therefore, he tries to alleviate the itching or pain by rubbing his face against different surfaces.

Another possibility is that your pet has something stuck between its  teeth, eg food scraps, and it is trying to eliminate them with this procedure.

So, if the attitude persists, seek professional advice again.

  1. Dog squats with front legs only

Among the signs that indicate your dog’s request for help may be to squat down with only its  front paws.

While this is usually play-related , taken  out of context and repeatedly it can mean that the animal suffers from  severe abdominal pain.

It is recommended that you go to the doctor as soon as possible. The animal may be suffering from, for example, pancreatitis.

  1. The dog scratches excessively with its hind legs


The pose dogs often make when scratching themselves with their hind legs is usually  funny.

But again, if this scratching occurs continuously, it’s best to try to find out what’s going on with your four-legged friend.

In these cases, it  is very likely that he is suffering  from  a skin condition  caused by, among other things:

  • fleas
  • ticks
  • warts

Again,  consultation with a professional is recommended to take care of your furry’s health.

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