A Woman Saves A Baby Elephant And Adopts It Into Her Home

A woman saves a baby elephant and adopts it into her home

We often do not want to have a pet at home for the sake of space. But some stories, like this story of baby elephant Moyo, reveal other possibilities. This very peculiar case is going around the world through social media.

a precious story


Moyo was a baby elephant who was about to die, he was crossing a river along with his herd and the current swept him away, separating him from his family. But as luck would have it, the refuge called “Wild is Life” rescued him, and that its founder, Roxy Danckwerts, welcomed him as her new mother. Now Moyo accompanies her in all household chores, helping her in whatever way he can.

The logical thing about this case is that Moyo’s growth is going to complicate this a little bit. When the elephant was a baby it followed its owner throughout the refuge having many common spaces, but more than a year later, it is not that simple anymore. Moyo, good or bad, still wants to follow his mistress everywhere, but he grows up too fast and that makes things harder and harder.

Coexistence has been chaos, many broken things and situations that would overflow anyone’s patience, but the elephant’s mutual love for its owner, and hers for him, are above these limitations. Recently they made a video with this concrete case.

Moyo weighed over a hundred kilograms at birth. We’ve seen wild animals in movies that adapt to domestic life. But in real life the normal thing is that if this elephant continues its rapid growth, Moyo will have to live in a more suitable space as time goes on. At the moment, both enjoy a love that goes beyond the difference between the species.

Caring for a baby elephant

Elephants need of proper attention by specialized people on issues of the day to day of them, such as food, skin care and points regarding the overwhelming need to drink water that elephants are, they drink up to 200 liters of water per day and if temperatures are high they need an extra amount of liquid.

To withstand the heat, African elephants tend to be more resistant than Asian ones, among other things because their habitat has got them used to better withstanding high temperatures.

When elephants drink water, they have to do so in a very calm way to avoid any fights or other aggressive behavior. They also need water to clean themselves. As for the characteristics of drinking water, it has to contain the appropriate level of metals, so as not to contaminate the water pipes. It will have to be taken into account the amount of water they take in each season of the year and stage of life.

The elephant’s skin must be cared for daily, including the ear region, tusk pockets, hind legs, stomach, and the skin around the eyes. The dead skin on the back will have to be removed, as it can take a long time for the animal to shed it by itself.

After bathing, the ideal is for the animal to dry as soon as possible, without getting cold.

Feeding during baby elephant growth

elephant and cub

To feed a baby elephant, it is best to use a large bottle that contains a mixture of skim milk and coconut oil. Although, at first, feedings should be done every three hours, this will be reduced until it reaches three times a day, but the vegetation as a form of food is increasingly growing. It is also important to take into account that the elephant needs milk for three years and coconut oil for up to five years.

Elephant babies need a lot of attention, contact and affection, it is important that they interact with them at all times, giving lots of water and enjoying physical games such as pushing, affectionate fighting games, etc.

During the night, it is very important to cover the elephant with a large rough blanket to imitate its mother, and even sleep beside it until it is two years old.

Socialization is also important, that is, bringing him together with others of his kind so that he can communicate. Wild herds tend to accept orphaned elephants very well, elephants are very sociable animals among them.

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