Discover Vitamin-rich Herbs For Your Pets

Discover vitamin-rich herbs for your pets

For some time now, more and more people have decided to rely on homeopathy to support the proper functioning of the immune system, as it can provide extra vitamins and minerals to the body or even treat illnesses. Natural remedies are effective and have no industrial components, which could harm the body in the long run. Here are some of the vitamin and mineral rich herbs you can give your pet so that he can get the right amount of vitamins he needs.

What are worth for?


Herbs are rich in vitamins and can be used either to treat a specific illness or simply as a complementary nutritional support. For example, Echinacea is used to treat colds, Elm is good for the circulation and also has vitamin E, Stellaria can treat ulcers, arthritis and allergies because it contains vitamin C, and seaweed is rich in iron.

Vitamin-rich herbs are better and more effective than industrial solutions because the body is able to take advantage of and synthesize more vitamins and nutrients from natural products than from synthetic compounds.

Also, natural remedies are cheap and easy to obtain. They can be taken in tablets, capsules, infusions or in liquid form, it is preferable that your animal does not take them with meals, so that the absorption of vitamins is better.

What is the dosage?

According to Martín Zucker’s veterinary guide for natural remedies for dogs, a general rule for the dosage of these herbs is: ¼ capsule or pill, if the dog is small, or ½ capsule or pill, if the dog is medium or large-sized. If the herbal solution comes as a tincture, then the dose is 4 to 8 drops of tincture twice a day.

In any case, before administering any medication, it is best to consult your veterinarian to rule out allergies and adjust the dosage.

My Animals now offers a list of the different vitamins and minerals that herbs contain:



•Vitamin A

◦ Alfalfa



◦M ilefoil


•Vitamin B

◦Greek Hay



•Vitamin C

◦Bee pollen




•D vitamin

◦ Alfalfa


◦Red raspberry

◦wild rose


•Vitamin E



•Vitamin K

◦ Alfalfa









◦ Juniper berry


◦Red clover

◦White oak

•B12 vitamin












◦ Alfalfa


◦Red clover









◦Rain roses










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