Your Dog Can Tell Whether You Are Happy Or Angry

Your dog can tell whether you are happy or angry

Dogs seem to have a sixth sense for understanding our feelings. While for the most skeptical this may seem impossible, studies show that: your dog can differentiate whether you are happy or angry. It doesn’t matter if you want to hide it or not, your dog will know.

The University of Medicine of Vienna wanted to prove this and has already published its study in a famous scientific journal.

How has it been proven that your dog can tell whether you are happy or angry?

girl hugging dog on the beach

Through images, this university in Vienna showed the faces of its owners with two different appearances: one happy and one angry.

The images were shown for each dog, one by one, and in all presentations the dogs chose the happy expression. This not only demonstrates that your dog can differentiate whether you are happy or angry, but also that they love us more and will always “choose” us when we smile.

But not only that, they also showed images of other people, 15 in total, of the same individual in different situations, but always with a photo with a happy or angry face. On all occasions the dogs chose the happy one.

Therefore, your dog can differentiate whether you are happy or angry, as well as can do the same to other people even if they are strangers.

We can’t say if dogs know what one emotion or another implies, it is likely that they simply attribute being angry to something negative and joy to something positive, in the same way that we from childhood can know what we like and don’t like. .

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This discovery will be a huge step forward in our relationship with our pets, as it will no longer matter whether we tell our dog whether we had a bad day or a good day, as they know as soon as we walk through the door.

Also, your dog acts with you as he sees your mood, because dogs are empathetic, did you know that?

Dogs and Empathy

On other occasions we have already talked about this topic. Dogs are empathetic. Now what is empathy? It is a feeling of compassion combined with a need to do something to help, or in other words, the feeling that allows us to put ourselves in the other’s shoes.

This feeling is not common in a world ruled by selfishness and “me first”, however our dog friends have overflowing empathy.

There have been many studies that have proven that dogs have feelings and that they are able to recognize and support us in our difficult days. And how can we know this?

Just watch your dog’s behavior: what does he do when you’re happy? And when are you sad? What if he sees you angry?

It has been shown during studies that all dogs are happy when their owners are happy.  They jump around, want to play, bark and look for the pets of their owners.

But when you’re sad, your dog will run to your aid to lick you, to stroke you with his head to try to make you smile. This is empathy!

Have you noticed your dog’s behavior when you are angry? Chances are he’s hidden under the bed and won’t come even when you call him, he wants to give you his space. Why? Because he also knows what it’s like to have a bad day and that sometimes there’s no better and more suitable remedy than loneliness.

There will always be people who will say that animals have no feelings and that they are nothing more than irrational beings. It’s true that they don’t think, but different studies have shown that they do and are willing to help us according to our mood, something they’ve also been proven to recognize.

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