An Airplane Pilot Saves A Dog’s Life

An airplane pilot saves a dog's life

Not long ago we told you about a rally driver who practically made his car fly to save the life of a dog that crossed a road. For this is also a story about a pilot, but an airplane pilot.

We love that there are people who sacrifice and are willing to do anything to save animals. This story will move your heart, we are sure of it.

The flight Simba and the plane pilot were on

This pilot works for Air Canada. At the time of the incident, he was piloting a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel, to Toronto, Canada. Among the luggage, in the hold area where they put the animals, there was a beautiful French Bulldog named Simba.

His owner traveled in the cabin with his friends, calm that his pet was in perfect condition. However, this was a reality that, unbeknownst to him, would soon change.

Interestingly, Simba was the only puppy on the plane. But this was not an inconvenience for the pilot, who, when he found out that the animal was in danger, did not think twice.

simba in danger

What happened was that, while I was flying calmly, all of a sudden the alarms went off because of a temperature problem in the hold. The temperature was rising steadily and this could have smothered Simba.

It wasn’t a big problem for luggage. The most that could possibly happen would be to crumple those suitcases that were no longer resistant. But Simba, yes, he could die.

What would you have done in his place? Maybe you might think it was just an animal, that it was the only one inside the plane. Someone selfish would have thought so. But Simba was lucky to get on a plane with the pilot with the biggest heart we’ve ever known.

Out of the blue, upon learning of the temperature problem in the hold, this plane pilot diverted his flight towards Frankfurt, Germany, to change the animal in the aircraft. His owner would not travel with him, but he was assured that the flights would arrive at approximately the same time. Thus, the animal would be under surveillance at all times.

This stop in Frankfurt caused a delay of 75 minutes for all passengers on the flight Simba was traveling on, which provoked all sorts of reactions, but overall it was positive. Most passengers understood that a life was at stake.


saving Simba’s life

On the other hand, Konotrovich, Simba’s owner, has no words to thank this airline pilot for what he did for his pet. “He is like a son to me, he is my family, he is everything to me. If something had happened to him, I would have died of sadness”, said the owner of the animal, through tears.

This detour would likely cost the airline hundreds or even thousands of dollars. However, there are many who guarantee that the right decision was taken. An aviation expert said: “The captain of an airplane is responsible for all the lives that travel on it, regardless of whether they are human lives or those of irrational animals.”

Still, the airline pilot does not lack merit, as it was in his hands to have made a different decision, but he did not do so. At all times, he watched over the animal’s welfare and protected its life. Simba arrived safely in Toronto and was reunited with his owner a few minutes after landing.

We are sure that although the airline lost thousands of dollars because of this incident, the heroic act of this airline pilot gave her free publicity and will earn her thousands of dollars more. There is no inconvenience that it does not have its advantages, that’s what they say.

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