Strollers For Dogs With Reduced Mobility, What A Great Invention!

Carts for dogs with reduced mobility, what a great invention!

Carts for dogs with reduced mobility they are a great invention that has made life easier for many dogs and reassured many owners. In recent weeks, the story of Bonsai has become known around the world. Bonsai, a charismatic English Bulldog puppy who, due to a congenital problem, did not develop a spinal column in the fetal stage and for that reason had to amputate both hind legs.

However, thanks to advances in orthopedics and veterinary medicine, Bonsai has the opportunity to lead a more or less normal life.

Strollers for dogs with reduced mobility are an ingenious invention that have given thousands of pets a second chance that, whether by accidents , illnesses or congenital problems, do not have the ability to walk properly.

Before the popularization of this invention, most dogs that were born with problems of column or they were injured, they were doomed to die, as it was not possible to guarantee that they had a favorable quality of life.

However, with the development of these carts the landscape has changed favorably for many of these dogs. Carts for dogs with reduced mobility are similar to a walker, like those used by elderly people.

The main functionality of the chair is to help the dog maintain and support balance while walking, whether due to the absence or damage to the hind and fore limbs.


dog cart

This type of cart has many variations, materials and prices. . The most common model is the one that allows the support of the hind legs, there are also special carts for dogs that have lost their front legs or both on the same side. However, they must share characteristics of industrial or artisanal origin:

  • They must be light and resistant;
  • Provide support and stability to the dog;
  • Give him freedom of movement, especially allowing him to sit and do his bidding.

Types of Carts

The situations that lead dogs to need this device are very varied and therefore it is necessary to assess the conditions of each dog before determining the type of cart they need.

Therapeutic Cart with Pectoral

This cart is exclusive for treating hind limbs, in cases where the dog keeps its paws, has sensitivity and still has some mobility . A cart is used that includes a breastplate that allows you to keep your legs high without having to support your body weight.

This type of cart is very good to help in recovery therapies and contributes enormously to the improvement of the animal, for example, in the case of dogs with arthrosis , with hip problems or old age-related pathologies.

Cart for dogs with disabled limbs


Injuries or deformities in the legs and spine do not always result in amputation of the limb. In many cases, limbs are disabled, but dogs manage to keep on them for things like support and balance.

In this case, you need a cart that does not allow the paws to drag (to avoid injuries ), which can cause pain and that the animal can maintain a comfortable position while using the cart.

Cart for dogs with amputated limbs

In cases where the dog has amputated or have disarticulation of a limb, you should opt for a cart capable of offering full support and mobility before and after recovery.

The carts are some variations according to the degree it has a dog locomotion disabilities.

In the case of a lesion on the posterior, we try to support this region using the animal’s chest as a point of balance. Otherwise, place the support point on the dog’s chest, trying to balance the pelvis and the back.

It is important to know the different types of options that exist in the market if you have a dog in these conditions. In this way, you can give your pet the option you need and allow it to lead a normal life and happy by your side.

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